
532 / Si的Si 732数字政府1:信息技术与民主政治

SI 532 / SI 732 - Digital Government 1: Information Technology and Democratic Politics
课程网址: http://open.umich.edu/education/si/si532/winter2009  
主讲教师: stopol
开课单位: 密歇根大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
内容类型: 课程简称/课程代码:  SI 532课程是在信息技术和民主治理交叉中探索当代实践,挑战和机遇的两部分序列中的第一部分。第二门课程侧重于民主管理中的挑战和创新,而第一门课程则侧重于民主政治的理论和实践,以及信息技术在支持,转化和理解这些方面的作用。本课程的前半部分旨在通过各种民主和政治理论来围绕IT和政治进行当代讨论。下半部分以此为基础,探索信息和信息技术如何支持,约束和以其他方式影响一系列当代民主实践。导师:Steven J. Jackson dScribe:Meico Whitlock,Kathleen Ludewig课程级别:研究生课程结构:3小时课程 - 每周一次讲师课程讲师: 史蒂芬杰克逊
课程简介: Content Type:  Course Short Title/Course Code:  SI 532 Course is the first in a two-part sequence exploring contemporary practices, challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of information technology and democratic governance. Whereas the second course focuses on challenges and innovations in democratic administration, this first course focuses on theories and practices of democratic politics and the shifting role of information technologies in supporting, transforming, and understanding these. The first half of the course seeks to ground contemporary discussion around IT and politics in various flavors of democratic and political theory. The second half builds on this foundation to explore ways in which information and information technologies have come to support, constrain, and otherwise inflect a range of contemporary democratic practices. Instructor: Steven J. Jackson dScribe: Meico Whitlock, Kathleen Ludewig Course Level: Graduate Course Structure: 3 hour class - once a week Instructor Course Instructor:  Steven J. Jackson
关 键 词: 民主政治; 信息技术; 政治实践; 政治理论; 社会理论
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2015-09-30:linxl
阅读次数: 56