
Si 563博弈论

SI 563 - Game Theory
课程网址: http://open.umich.edu/education/si/si563/fall2008  
主讲教师: stopol
开课单位: 密歇根大学
开课时间: 2009-01-28
课程语种: 英语
内容类型: 课程简称/课程代码:  SI 563这是“博弈论”中的标准课程。设计与信息学院MSI学生作为主要受众。本课程是几门ICD课程的先决条件。为了对信息专业的管理,政策和分析做好充分的准备,您需要首先在博弈论及其在解决问题中的应用方面有扎实的基础。因此,主要目标是教你一套有用的理论以及如何应用它们来解决问题。重点是方法和应用。导师:Yan Chen dScribe:Mike Harmala课程级别:研究生课程结构:90分钟课程 - 每周两次讲师课程讲师: 严辰
课程简介: Content Type:  Course Short Title/Course Code:  SI 563 This is a standard course in "game theory," designed with the School of Information MSI students as the primary audience. This course is the pre-requisite for several ICD courses. To be well-prepared for management, policy and analysis in the information professions you need to first have a solid grounding in game theory and its applications to problem solving. Thus, the primary objective is to teach you a set of useful theories and how to apply them to solve problems. The emphasis is on method and application. Instructor: Yan Chen dScribe: Mike Harmala Course Level: Graduate Course Structure: 90 minute classes - two times a week Instructor Course Instructor:  Yan Chen
关 键 词: 讨价还价; 自主性; 博弈论; 纳什均衡概率; 解决问题的策略
课程来源: 密歇根大学公开课
最后编审: 2021-02-03:nkq
阅读次数: 47