
Activity modelling using email and web page classification Activity modelling using email and web page classification
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/um05_quigley_amuew/  
主讲教师: Aaron Quigley
开课单位: 悉尼大学
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
这项工作使用单个文档和少量分类文档来探索用户当前活动的建模。我们描述了WeMAC方法,该方法用于组合来自不同来源的证据,从而为用户的活动提供了依据。我们使用两种不同的文档类型报告对WeMAC模型的评估:电子邮件和网页;在小型文档集和大型文档集上评估其性能;并对照“单包”方法评估其性能。我们报告了令人鼓舞的结果,平均F1值为0.5 0.7。
课程简介: This work explores the modelling of a user’s current activity using a single document and a very small collection of classified documents. We describe the WeMAC approach for combining evidence from heterogeneous sources to give a prdict the user’s activity. We report evaluation of the WeMAC model using two different document types: emails and web pages; assess its performance on both tiny document sets and larger sets; and assess its performance against a “one bag” approach. We report promising results, with average F1 value of 0.5-0.7.
关 键 词: 分类文档; 电子邮件; 文档集
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-27:cwx
阅读次数: 40