
Interview with W3C Compound Document Specialist
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3c07_schepers_int/  
主讲教师: Davor Orlič, Doug Schepers
开课单位: 万维网联盟
开课时间: 2007-12-15
课程语种: 英语
Doug Schepers从十几岁开始就开始编程。在过去的6年中,他专注于SVG,致力于开发SVG应用程序。他是Vectoreal(SVG专业人士协会)的创始成员。如果您想了解有关Doug的更多信息,可以阅读他的个人网站Schepers.cc。 Videolectures.Net在2007年12月12日至13日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞举行的Web研讨会上的W3C视频上发送了一篇论文。研讨会结束后,我们在那里见到了道格,并问了他几个问题:*您的演讲有任何评论* W3C为实现网络视频的标准化做了什么? *您在研讨会上错过了什么? *有关网络视频的当前热门话题? *个人和职业梦想成真*离开这座建筑物后,您要做的第一件事是?
课程简介: Doug Schepers has been programming since his early teens. He has focused on SVG for the past 6 years, developing SVG applications. He is a founding member of Vectoreal, an association of SVG professionals.  If you want to read more about Doug, you can read his personal Web site, Schepers.cc. Videolectures.Net sent a paper at the W3C Video on the Web Workshop which was held 12-13 December 2007, San Jose, California. There we met Doug and asked him a few questions after the workshop finished: *Any comments on your presentation *What is W3C doing for the standardisation of the video on the web? *What did you miss on the workshop? *The current hot topic about the video on the web? *Personal and professional dream come true * First thing you will do after you leave this building?
关 键 词: 编程; 应用程序; 网络视频
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-21:liyy
阅读次数: 56