MultilingualWeb-LT:W3C上Web CMS,本地化工具和语言技术之间的元数据互操作性

MultilingualWeb-LT: Meta-data interoperability between Web CMS, Localization tools and Language Technologies at the W3C
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2011_filip_multilingualweb/  
主讲教师: David Filip
开课单位: 利默里克大学
开课时间: 2011-12-12
课程语种: 英语
由FP7资助的协调行动MLW LT将成立W3C工作组(WG),以标准化Web CMS,本地化工具和语言技术之间的元数据交换。本届会议将公开讨论WG章程,并鼓励最初的EC资助财团之外的成员参加WG。 WG旨在解决多语言Web内容生命周期中的三个主要互操作性差距,即Deep Web元数据和本地化(L10n)之间的差距; Surface Web元数据和实时机器翻译;以及深层网络元数据和元数据驱动的机器翻译培训。解决这些差距将包括与其他现有和正在进行的LT和L10n标准化活动保持一致; W3C ITS和OASIS XLIFF TC的工作非常突出,因为XLIFF将在上述三个主要场景中用于MLW LT元数据往返的原型。
课程简介: MLW-LT, an FP7 funded coordination action, is going to set up a W3C Working Group (WG) for standardizing metadata exchange between Web CMS, Localization Tools and Language Technologies. This session will open the public discussion of the WG Charter and encourage participation in the WG from outside of the initial EC funded consortium. The WG aims to address three major interoperability gaps in the multilingual web content lifecycle, namely between Deep Web meta-data and localization (L10n); Surface Web meta-data and Real time Machine Translation; and Deep Web meta-data and meta-data driven MT training. Addressing these gaps will include alignment with other existing and ongoing LT and L10n standardization activities; prominently W3C ITS and OASIS XLIFF TC effort, as XLIFF will be used for prototyping MLW-LT metadata round-trips in the three main scenarios outlined above.
关 键 词: 本地化工具; 语言技术; 元数据
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-15:lxf
阅读次数: 28