将BCP47“ t”扩展名与MLW-LT数据类别进行协调

Coordinating the BCP47 “t” Extension with MLW-LT Data Categories
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_davis_data/  
主讲教师: Dave Lewis
开课单位: 都柏林圣三一大学
开课时间: 2012-07-13
课程语种: 英语
Unicode联盟主席Mark Davis将远程参加该研讨会,讨论BCP 47的“转换后的内容”扩展,该扩展提供了用于指定转换后的内容的源语言或脚本的子标记,包括已音译,转录或翻译的内容,或受其他来源的影响。它还提供了用于标识的其他信息。
课程简介: Mark Davis, President of the Unicode Consortium, will join the Workshop remotely to discuss the “transformed content” Extension to BCP 47 that provides subtags for specifying the source language or script of transformed content, including content that has been transliterated, transcribed, or translated, or in some other way influenced by the source. It also provides for additional information used for identification.
关 键 词: 源语言; 脚本; 子标记
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-18:chenxin
阅读次数: 48