
Meta-data interoperability between CMS, localisation and machine translation: Use Cases and Technical Challenges
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_lewis_metadata_interoper...  
主讲教师: David Lewis
开课单位: 都柏林圣三一大学
开课时间: 2012-06-06
课程语种: 英语
作为国际化活动的一部分,W3C的MLW LT(“与多语言Web语言相关的技术”)工作组于2012年1月启动。该工作组将定义Web内容(主要是HTML5)和“深层Web”内容(从中生成HTML页面的CMS或XML文件)的元数据,以促进与多语言技术(例如机器翻译和本地化过程)的内容交互。 WG将具有内容和语言元数据研究专业知识的本地化和内容管理公司召集在一起,其中包括来自下一代本地化中心的强大代表。本讲座将介绍三个涵盖CMS,本地化和机器翻译功能的具体业务用例。它讨论了在使用现有元数据(例如ITS标签)解决这些情况时所面临的挑战,以及其他标准化元数据的技术要求。这次分组讨论将以分组讨论的形式进行补充,以便与会者更详细地表达其意见和要求,以便更好地为工作组提供信息。
课程简介: January 2012 saw the kick off of the MLW-LT ("Multilingual Web - Language Related Technologies") Working Group at the W3C as part of the Internationalization Activity. This WG will define meta-data for web content (mainly HTML5) and "deep Web" content (CMS or XML files from which HTML pages are generated) that facilitates content interaction with multilingual language technologies such as machine translation, and localization processes. The WG brings together localisation and content management companies with content and language meta-data research expertise, including strong representation from the Centre for Next Generation Localisation. This talk will present three concrete business use cases that span CMS, localisation and machine translation functions. It discusses the challenges in addressing these cases with existing metadata (e.g. ITS tags) and the technical requirements for additional standardised metadata. This talk will be complemented by a breakout session to allow attendees to voice their comments and requirements in more detail, in order to better inform the working group.
关 键 词: 元数据; 多语言技术; Web内容
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-18:chenxin
阅读次数: 47