
Bringing Terminology to Linked Data through TBX
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_melby_data/  
主讲教师: Alan K. Melby
开课单位: 杨百翰大学
开课时间: 2012-07-12
课程语种: 英语
目前有一种“强烈的分离”。在术语和关联数据领域之间。本报告描述了一项将TermBase eXchange (TBX, ISO 30042)和mdash(用于表示复杂的、典型的多语言TermBase和mdash的国际标准)用于链接数据和多语言web - lt社区的建议。这个版本称为RDF-TBX,与当前版本TBX同构。它将帮助术语社区和链接数据社区(更一般的是语义Web社区)更紧密地联系在一起。可能的应用包括(a)将数据中的术语链接到已转换为RDF-TBX的termbase,以及(b)在具有概念关系的现有术语资源和现有语义Web本体资源之间进行自动转换。我想通过在研讨会上面对面的交流来确定这个项目,如果实施的话,是否有可能解决术语和链接数据之间的分离。根据都柏林研讨会与会者对这一立场的反应,杨百翰大学翻译研究小组可以立即开始一项RDF-TBX项目。
课程简介: There is currently a "strong separation" between the well-established fields of terminology and Linked Data. This presentation describes a proposal to adapt TermBase eXchange (TBX, ISO 30042)—the international standard for representing complex, typically multilingual termbases—for use in the Linked Data and MultilingualWeb-LT communities. This version would be called RDF-TBX and would be isomorphic to the current version TBX. It would help bring the terminology community and the Linked Data community (more generally the Semantic Web community) closer together. Possibile applications include (a) linking terms in data to a termbase that has been converted to RDF-TBX and (b) carrying out automated conversions between existing terminology resources with concept relations and existing Semantic Web ontology resources. I would like to determine though face-to-face interaction at the workshop whether this project, if carried out, is likely to address the separation between terminology and Linked Data. Depending on the reaction to this position by the Dublin workshop participants, an RDF-TBX project could begin immediately at the Brigham Young University Translation Research Group. 
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 多语言信息存取 ; 术语链接
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-21:liyy
阅读次数: 75