
The META-NET Strategic Research Agenda and Linked Open Data
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_rehm_data/  
主讲教师: Georg Rehm
开课单位: 德国人工智能研究中心
开课时间: 2012-07-12
课程语种: 英语
META NET为欧洲语言技术研究界制定了战略研究议程(SRA)。 SRA的准备过程已收到来自130多名涉及语言技术以及邻近地区和社区(例如语义网)的人员的意见。总体目标是为当前正在进行的长期研究策略规划提供意见,以最好地实现和支持多语种欧洲信息社会。在开发SRA的漫长而复杂的过程中,出现了三个优先研究主题:(1)翻译云; (2)社会智能与电子参与; (3)具有社交意识的互动助手。 SRA已经处于成熟状态,并将在接下来的几个月内完成。都柏林的MultilingualWeb研讨会是一个很好的机会,可以讨论SRA总体上(特别是优先主题)链接开放数据(LOD)的作用。例如,使用LOD在翻译云的一部分中在命名实体之间生成跨语言参考,或者利用公开可用的政府数据来促进整个欧洲的电子参与。本演讲的目的是促进就LOD在SRA优先主题中可以起什么作用以及应该如何发挥作用以及多语言和开放数据领域应如何共同制定进一步的长期研究目标进行讨论。
课程简介: META-NET develops a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for the European Language Technology research community. The preparation process of the SRA has received input from more than 130 persons involved language technology and adjacent areas and communities such as the Semantic Web. The overall goal is to provide input to the currently ongoing, long-term research strategy planning in order best to realise and to support the multilingual European information society. In the long and complex process towards developing the SRA three priority research themes emerged: (1) Translation Cloud; (2) Social Intelligence and e-Participation; (3) Socially Aware Interactive Assistants. The SRA is already in a mature state and will be finalised within the next months. The MultilingualWeb workshop in Dublin is a great opportunity to discuss the role of linked open data (LOD) in the SRA in general and in the priority themes specifically. For example, using LOD to generate cross-lingual references between named entities as a part of the translation cloud, or exploiting publicly available government data to foster e-participation across Europe. The goal of this presentation is to foster a discussion on what the role of LOD in the SRA priority themes can and should be, and how the areas of multilinguality and open data can should work together in developing further long-term research goals.
关 键 词: 语言技术; 策略规划; 语义网
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-22:liyy
阅读次数: 33