通过Joomla !领先的开源CMS构建多语种网站

Building Multilingual Web Sites with Joomla! the Leading Open Source CMS
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2013_teeman_web/  
主讲教师: Brian Teeman
开课单位: Joomla公司
开课时间: 2013-06-19
课程语种: 英语
Joomla是领先的开源CMS,被超过2.8%的网络和3000多个政府网站使用。现在要求使网站真正具有多语言功能,而不是依赖自动翻译工具。 Joomla的最新版本使构建多语言站点变得更加容易,同时还使它们可以跨不同的用户代理和不同的形式(例如台式机或笔记本电脑,移动电话或平板电脑)访问。本演讲将展示如何在Joomla中使用这些新开发成果,从而大大减轻构建和发布多语言站点的负担。
课程简介: Used by over 2.8% of the web and by over 3000 government web sites, Joomla is the leading Open Source CMS. Making web sites truly multilingual, rather than relying on automated translation tools, is now a requirement. The latest release of Joomla makes building multilingual sites considerably easier, while also making them more accessible across different user agents and form factors (e.g., desktop or laptop computers, mobile phones, or tablets). This presentation will showcase how these new developments can be used in Joomla to greatly reduce the burden of building and releasing multilingual sites.
关 键 词: 开源CMS; 多语言功能; 减轻构建; 多语言站点
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:cxin
阅读次数: 48