
TrueSkill and AdPredictor: Large Scale Machine Learning in the Wild
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/wapa2010_graepel_tals/  
主讲教师: Thore Graepel
开课单位: 微软公司
开课时间: 2010-09-20
课程语种: 英语
概率图形模型在微软的在线服务中起着至关重要的作用。在这个演讲中,我将描述机器学习在实践中的两个强大的应用。TrueSkill是Xbox Live的排名和配对系统,它能确保在线游戏玩家与技能相当的对手进行平衡和精彩的比赛。AdPredictor是在微软搜索引擎必应中估计广告选择和定价的点击率(CTR)的系统。这两个系统的共同之处在于它们都基于因子图模型和近似贝叶斯推理。它们的运营规模非常大,分别涉及数百万玩家和数十亿广告印象。然而,在这次演讲中,我将特别强调这些应用程序中不属于通用机器学习设置的那些方面:a)由于这些是闭环系统,预测决定了训练样本的未来组成,因此出现的困难。b)这些系统做出的决策对或多或少理性的代理(广告商、用户、游戏玩家)具有影响训练样本的能力的结果。如果时间允许,我将展示这两个系统的运行情况。这是基于与拉尔夫Herbrich共同工作,汤姆的星,托马斯•Borchert华金Quińonero烛光。
课程简介: Probabilistic Graphical Models play a crucial role in Microsoft's online services. In this talk, I will describe two powerful applications of machine learning in practice. TrueSkill is Xbox Live's Ranking and Matchmaking system and ensures that gamers online have balanced and exciting matches with equally skilled opponents. AdPredictor is the system that estimates click-through rates (CTR) for ad selection and pricing within Microsoft's search engine Bing. The two systems have in common that they are based on factor graph models and approximate Bayesian inference. They operate at a very large scale involving millions of gamers and billions of ad impressions, respectively. However, in this talk, I will put particular emphasis on those aspects of these applications that are not part of the generic machine learning setting: a) The difficulties that arise because these are closed-loop systems in which the predictions determine the future composition of the training sample. b) The consequences of the fact that these systems make decisions that have an impact on more or less rational agents (advertisers, users, gamers) with the ability to influence the training sample. Time permitting, I will show the two systems in action. This is based on joint work with Ralf Herbrich, Thomas Borchert, Tom Minka, and Joaquin Quińonero Candela.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 机器学习; 概率图形模型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 203