
Open Social Learning Communities
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/wims2011_ram_learning/  
主讲教师: Ashwin Ram
开课单位: 乔治亚理工学院
开课时间: 2011-11-22
课程语种: 英语
随着开放教育资源、社交网络技术和新的在线和混合学习教学方法的出现,我们正处于当前教育模式发生重大颠覆的早期阶段。需求的惊人增长加剧了这种混乱。据估计,在未来十年里,将有1亿名合格的学生进入大学。为了教育他们,需要每周建立一所主要的大学。大学以开放的教育资源回应了这一需求;成千上万的免费、高质量的课程,由数百名教师开发,在全球范围内被数百万人使用。不幸的是,在线课件不能提供支持性的学习体验,也不能保证学生的积极性。学生在使用电子教科书时阅读较少;视频讲座很无聊;留校率和课程完成率都很低。这其中存在一个核心问题:如何让生活在互联网上但辍学的一代学习者参与进来,让他们在Facebook上寻找互动,却在iTunes U上找不到,让他们需要社区,却只能得到内容。我们提出了一种解决这个问题的新方法:以开放内容为基础的开放社交学习社区,提供交互式在线学习小组体验,类似于与学习伙伴坐在世界各地的校园广场上。这个解决方案是由最先进的web技术支持的:真正的实时协作技术,以获得高度交互的体验;智能推荐系统,帮助学习者连接相关内容和其他学习者;挖掘和分析以评估学习者的结果;并以信誉技术建立社会资本。我们将讨论这些技术,以及如何将它们结合起来,以一种高度可伸缩但又具有交互性和参与性的方式解决教育问题。这次演讲代表了与Preetha Ram (Emory University)、Hua Ai (Georgia Tech)、Chris Sprague (OpenStudy)和Saurav Sahay (Georgia Tech)的合作。
课程简介: With the advent of open education resources, social networking technologies and new pedagogies for online and blended learning, we are in the early stages of a significant disruption in current models of education. The disruption is fueled by a staggering growth in demand. It is estimated that there will be 100 million students qualified to enter universities over the next decade. To educate them, a major university would need to be created every week. Universities have responded to this need with Open Education Resources—thousands of free, high quality courses, developed by hundreds of faculty, used by millions worldwide. Unfortunately, online courseware does not offer a supporting learning experience or the engagement needed to keep students motivated. Students read less when using e-textbooks; video lectures are boring; and retention and course completion rates are low. Therein lies the core problem: How to engage a generation of learners who live on the Internet yet tune out of school, who seek interaction on Facebook yet find none on iTunes U, who need community yet are only offered content. We propose a new approach to this problem: open social learning communities anchored with open content, providing an interactive online study group experience akin to sitting with study buddies on a world-wide campus quad. This solution is enabled by state-of-the-art web technologies: really real-time collaboration technologies for a highly interactive experience; intelligent recommender systems to help learners connect with relevant content and other learners; mining and analytics to assess learner outcomes; and reputation techniques to establish social capital. We will discuss these technologies and how they can be combined to address the problem of education in a manner that is highly scalable yet interactive and engaging. This talk represents joint work with Preetha Ram (Emory University), Hua Ai (Georgia Tech), Chris Sprague (OpenStudy), and Saurav Sahay (Georgia Tech).
关 键 词: 社会媒体; 社会计算; 计算机科学; 人机交互
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-01-30:nkq
阅读次数: 63