
Career Chances of Women in Nanosciences in European Universities – Conditions for International Diversity
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/win08_pfau_ccw/  
主讲教师: Birgit Pfau-Effinger
开课单位: 汉堡大学
开课时间: 2008-02-20
课程语种: 英语
演讲将在中心提出两个不同的问题:*与成为纳米科学大学教授的机会有关的性别不平等的原因是什么? *如何解释在该领域大学女性职位中女性所占比例的跨国差异?本文结合了文化和制度的观点。有人认为,像大学这样的机构是建立在并再现对个人行为的期望上的。在许多欧洲大学中,尤其是在西欧,传统上对主要资格和大学教授的举止的传统期望也主要基于两种文化构造:*基于男性养家糊口者的形象,他可以全面获得他的职业,而另一个人则负责他的日常生活,家务劳动和育儿; *关于“男性”习性(根据Bourdieu 1987):这意味着,预期教授在社会中所具有的特定素质被定义为“男性”素质。然而,在过去的十五年中,欧洲大学发生了根本性的变化,可以称之为大学的“经济化”,大学教授的文化理想以及与此职位相关的期望在一定程度上发生了根本性变化。这种变化部分已经在东欧国家比西方国家更早开始了。有人认为,这种发展为大学生涯的女性打开了新的选择。但是,在女性进入纳米科学大学的机会方面,存在很大的跨国差异。有人认为,尤其是,某些文化因素也有助于解释这种差异:大学教授在一个社会中的各自文化模式,与该职位相关的社会自尊以及在显性中构建“照料”的方式家庭的文化模式。
课程简介: The lecture will place two different questions in the centre: * What are the reasons for gender inequality in relation to the chances to become a University professor in Nanosciences? * How can cross-national differences with respect to the share of women in University career positions in this field be explained? The paper combines a cultural and an institutional perspective. It is argued that institutions like the University are based on, and reproduce, expectations towards the behaviour of individuals. In many European Universities, particularly also in Western Europe, the traditional expectations in relation to the main qualifications and the behaviour of an University professor were traditionally mainly also based on two cultural constructions: * on the image of the male breadwinner who is comprehensively available for his profession, while another person takes over the organisation of his everyday life, as well as housework and childcare; * on a ‘male ‘habitus (according to Bourdieu 1987): this means, that specific qualities that the professor is expected to have are in society defined as ‘male’ qualities. However, together with a fundamental change of European universities in the last fifteen years that can be called an ‘economisation’ of Universities, also the cultural ideal of the University professor, and the expectations which are connected with this position, have in part fundamentally changed. Such change has in part already started earlier in East European countries than in the West. It is argued here that this development has opened new options for women for a University career. However, there are considerable cross-national differences with respect to the chances for women to make a University career in Nanosciences. It is argued that particularly also some cultural factors contribute to explaining such differences: the respective cultural model of the University professor in a society , the societal esteem that is connected with this position, and the way in which “care” is constructed in the dominant cultural model of the family.
关 键 词: 纳米科学; 性别不平等; 女性职位
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-11:cwx
阅读次数: 61