
I Tag, You Tag: Translating Tags for Advanced User Models
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/wsdm2010_wetzker_ityt/  
主讲教师: Robert Wetzker
开课单位: 柏林理工大学
开课时间: 2010-04-12
课程语种: 英语
协作标记服务(folksonomies)是Web 2.0时代的明星之一。它们允许用户用自由选择的关键字(标记)标记各种资源。我们对两种真实世界的大众分类法的研究揭示,单个用户开发高度个性化的标记词汇。虽然这些服务满足了个人的需求和偏好,但是个人标签词汇(personomies)之间的巨大差异阻碍了社交搜索或定制标签推荐等服务。在本文中,我们引入了一种新的以用户为中心的标记模型,该模型允许我们派生个人标记词汇表和相应的大众分类法之间的映射。使用这些映射,我们可以推断用户分配的标记的含义,并可以预测用户可能想要分配给新项的标记的选择。此外,我们的翻译方法有助于减少与标记歧义、同义标记或多语言有关的常见问题。我们评估了我们的方法在标签推荐和基于标签的社交搜索中的适用性。大量实验表明,我们的平移模型在两种情况下都提高了预测精度。
课程简介: Collaborative tagging services (folksonomies) have been among the stars of the Web 2.0 era. They allow their users to label diverse resources with freely chosen keywords (tags). Our studies of two real-world folksonomies unveil that individual users develop highly personalized vocabularies of tags. While these meet individual needs and preferences, the considerable differences between personal tag vocabularies (personomies) impede services such as social search or customized tag recommendation. In this paper, we introduce a novel user-centric tag model that allows us to derive mappings between personal tag vocabularies and the corresponding folksonomies. Using these mappings, we can infer the meaning of user-assigned tags and can predict choices of tags a user may want to assign to new items. Furthermore, our translational approach helps in reducing common problems related to tag ambiguity, synonymous tags, or multilingualism. We evaluate the applicability of our method in tag recommendation and tag-based social search. Extensive experiments show that our translational model improves the prediction accuracy in both scenarios.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 语义Web; 注释; 社会搜索
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-28:lxf
阅读次数: 48