
Using Graded-Relevance Metrics for Evaluating Community QA Answer Selection
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/wsdm2011_sakai_ugr/  
主讲教师: Tetsuya Sakai
开课单位: 微软公司
开课时间: 2011-08-09
课程语种: 英语
社区问答(CQA)网站,如雅虎!答案作为信息寻求者丰富的知识资源而出现。然而,贴在CQA站点上的答案可能是不相关的、不完整的、冗余的、不正确的、有偏见的、格式错误的,甚至是滥用的。因此,对于一个给定的张贴问题,自动选择“好的”答案是一个实际的研究问题,它将帮助我们管理知识积累的质量。评估CQA答案选择系统的一种方法是使用CQA站点上现成的最佳答案(BAs)。但是BAs可能是有偏见的,即使没有偏见,除了BAs可能还有其他好的答案。为了解决这两个问题,我们提出了系统评估方法,包括多个回答评估员和分级相关信息检索指标。通过使用ntcir8 CQA任务数据进行实验,我们的主要发现是,使用我们的评估方法,(a)我们可以检测出许多被基于ba的评估所忽略的系统之间的实质性差异;和(b)与babbased评估相比,我们可以更好地识别困难的问题(即那些被许多系统处理得不好的问题,因此需要集中调查)。因此,我们认为我们的方法对于构建有效的CQA答案选择系统是有用的,尽管手工回答评估的成本很高。
课程简介: Community Question Answering (CQA) sites such as Yahoo! Answers have emerged as rich knowledge resources for information seekers. However, answers posted to CQA sites can be irrelevant, incomplete, redundant, incorrect, biased, ill-formed or even abusive. Hence, automatic selection of "good" answers for a given posted question is a practical research problem that will help us manage the quality of accumulated knowledge. One way to evaluate answer selection systems for CQA would be to use the Best Answers (BAs) that are readily available from the CQA sites. However, BAs may be biased, and even if they are not, there may be other good answers besides BAs. To remedy these two problems, we propose system evaluation methods that involve multiple answer assessors and graded-relevance information retrieval metrics. Our main findings from experiments using the NTCIR-8 CQA task data are that, using our evaluation methods, (a) we can detect many substantial differences between systems that would have been overlooked by BA-based evaluation; and (b) we can better identify hard questions (i.e. those that are handled poorly by many systems and therefore require focussed investigation) compared to BAbased evaluation. We therefore argue that our approach is useful for building effective CQA answer selection systems despite the cost of manual answer assessments.
关 键 词: 社区问答; 质量评估; 系统评价
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-21:heyf
阅读次数: 138