
Education 320: Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education - Group Presentations cont
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/education_320_teaching_pe__health_ele...  
主讲教师: Jeff Johnston
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2010-12-05
课程语种: 英语
UCI教育320:基础体育课,体育与健康教学(2010年秋季)。课程07。基础体育课,体育与健康教学的演示文稿第2部分查看完整的课程:说明:本课程旨在满足加利福尼亚的需求教学认证委员会对教师候选人的要求。该课程为候选人提供了学习如何为K 6年级学生教授体育基础知识和基础知识的机会。主要知识是关于儿童运动技能的发展,以及与体育活动有关的情感和社交方面。教师将学习体育课的关键方面,其中包括热身活动,课程计划(技能开发和游戏应用)以及结业。总体上讲,至少应有一半的时间用于中度至剧烈的活动。于2010年11月5日录制。必填来源:Johnston,Jeff。教育320(UCI OpenCourseWare:加利福尼亚大学欧文分校),
课程简介: UCI Education 320: Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010).Lec 07. Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education -- Group Presentations -- Part 2 View the complete Description: This course is developed to satisfy the California Commission of Teaching Credentialing requirements for teacher candidates.  The class provides opportunities for candidates to learn how to teach the basic and essential fundamentals of physical education for K-6th grade students.  The central knowledge is about children’s motor skill development, along with the emotional and social aspects as they relate to physical activity.  Teachers will learn the key aspects to a physical education lesson, which includes a warm-up activity, the lesson plan (skill development and game applications), and closure.  As a total lesson, at least half the time should be spent in moderate to vigorous activity.Recorded on November 5, 2010.Required attribution: Johnston, Jeff. Education 320 (UCI OpenCourseWare: University of California, Irvine), 
关 键 词: 热身活动; 健康; 体育
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-20:liyy
阅读次数: 39