

Designing Everyday Life
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bio2014_debate_everyday_life/  
主讲教师: Vera Sacchetti
开课单位: Z33当代艺术之家
开课时间: 2014-10-06
课程语种: 英语

Alice Rawsthorn是国际知名的设计评论员(《国际纽约时报》,《卫报》等),《世界,你的设计遇上了生命》一书的作者,也是重要国际活动(包括2006年世界经济论坛)上的设计讲师。达沃斯。

贾斯汀·麦奎克(Justin McGuirk)是《激进的城市》一书的作者,作家,评论家,策展人和Strelka Press的导演。他曾担任《卫报》的设计评论家,《 Icon》杂志的编辑和Domus的设计顾问。 2012年,他与城市智囊团共同策划了一次展览,并在威尼斯建筑双年展上被授予金狮奖。

Jan Boelen是BIO 50策展人,讽刺兼策展人,Z33的创始人和艺术总监。比利时哈瑟特(Hasselt),埃因霍温设计学院(Design Academy Eindhoven)社会设计硕士课程主任。弗拉芒社区建筑与设计委员会主席。

此次演讲由Vera Sacchetti主持。

课程简介: Alice Rawsthorn is an internationally renowned design commentator (International New York Times, The Guardian etc.), the author of the book Hello World: Where Design Meets Life and lecturer on design at important international events, including the World Economic Forum in Davos. Justin McGuirk is a writer, author of the book Radical Cities, critic, curator and director of Strelka Press. He has been the design critic of The Guardian, the editor of Icon magazine and the design consultant to Domus. In 2012 he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture for an exhibition he curated with Urban Think Tank. Jan Boelen is the BIO 50 curator, ciritic and curator, founder and artistic director of Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium, head of the Master Department Social Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven; and chairman of the committee for Architecture and Design of the Flemish Community. The talk was moderated by Vera Sacchetti.
关 键 词: 平面设计; 工业设计; 设计日常
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-06-02:吴淑曼
最后编审: 2020-06-02:吴淑曼(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 35