
On Modernity and Postmodernity (in Architecture)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/fa_dolar_benjamin_power_in_architecture/  
主讲教师: Andrew Benjamin; Mladen Dolar
开课单位: 金斯顿大学
开课时间: 2018-09-25
课程语种: 英语
“抽象变成了将现代与后现代以及现代政治与反动或保守派分开的时刻。” (安德鲁·本杰明(Andrew Benjamin),什么是抽象?建筑。他们的谈话还将集中于重复和解构,作为后现代提出的解决现代性切口的关键解决方案之一。在最后部分,他们将探讨这些概念如何影响我们的当代时代,以了解当今空间,艺术和建筑所面临的未来。 由Igor Zabel文化与理论协会组织与卢布尔雅那大学建筑学院合作。由ERSTE基金会支持。
课程简介: “Abstraction becomes the moment that divides the modern from the post-modern and with it the politically progressive from the reactionary or conservative.” (Andrew Benjamin, What is Abstraction?) In the opening part of the conversation, two philosophers and colleagues – Mladen Dolar and Andrew Benjamin – will trace the implications of abstraction for modernity, present both in art and in architecture. Their conversation will also focus on repetition and deconstruction, as among the key solutions that postmodernity proposed for fighting back the incision of modernity. In the concluding part, they will deliberate how those concepts are influencing our contemporary times, in order to understand the futures that space, art and architecture are facing today. Organised by Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana. Supported by ERSTE Foundation.
关 键 词: 抽象建筑; 艺术; 现代性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-08-01:yumf
最后编审: 2021-09-15:zyk
阅读次数: 38