
The Architecture of the Counter-Measure
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_benjamin_architecture_co...  
主讲教师: Andrew Benjamin
开课单位: 金斯顿大学
开课时间: 2019-01-22
课程语种: 英语
体系结构中的功能有很多注册。在这种情况下,权力的运作不能与空间的概念分开。空间由权力关系的有效存在构成。但是,空间的概念化仅是社会学的,而不是建筑学的,除非它与设计策略相关联。这样的策略需要具有创造性,同时也要具有评估性。那么,什么为设计开辟了可能性?从一个位置开始,权力要么得到加强,要么从另一个位置开始,就可以尝试拉开它的控制力。前者将创建与迭代过程联系起来,其中重复的过程是现有的权力顺序。新都市主义和参数主义恰恰在这一点上吻合。结果,推迟权力的重复需要另一种关于重复的思想。有观点认为,这种延期涉及沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)所说的“破坏性人物”。 “破坏性人物”是反对派建筑师。存在另一种措施。因此,可能存在对策的体系结构。在“毁灭”的推动下,建筑得到了重申。建设和设计仍在继续。但是,要使权力消亡,就必须相互重复和自治。后者将在关系内的自治方面得到解决;这种自治的概念为判断过程和设计可能性提供了不同的结果。 安德鲁·本杰明(Andrew Benjamin)是伦敦金斯顿大学哲学与人文科学教授。在过去的14年中,他在悉尼科技大学任教,目前担任建筑理论杰出教授。在此之前,他在伦敦建筑协会任教近20年。他的著作涉及建筑,艺术史和哲学,包括:建筑哲学(Continuum,2001);风格和时间(西北大学出版社,2006年);写作艺术与建筑(Re:press Books,2010年);建筑投影(RMIT出版社,2012年); Art的哲学著作(Rowman and Littlefield International,2015年)。他目前正在与Gerard Reinmuth一起进行正在进行的有关关系体系结构的工作室调查。
课程简介: Power in architecture has a number of registrations. In this instance, the operation of power cannot be separated from the conceptualisation of space. Space is constituted by the operative presence of power relations. However, the conceptualisation of space remains merely sociological, and not architectural, unless it is linked to strategies for design. Such strategies need to be evaluative as much as they are creative. What then opens up the possibilities for design? From one position, power is either reinforced, from another, there can be attempts to distance its hold. The former links creation to iterative processes in which what are repeated are the pre-existing orders of power. New Urbanism and Parametricism coincide at this precise point. As a result, the deferral of power’s repetition demands another thinking of repetition. The argument is that this deferral involves what Walter Benjamin names the “destructive character”. The “destructive character” is the oppositional architect. Another measure is present. Hence there can be an architecture of the counter-measure. Within the creations prompted by “destruction”, there is a reiteration of the architectural. Building and designing continue. And yet, for there to be an undoing of power, there has to be an inter articulation of repetition and autonomy. The latter will be addressed in terms of autonomy-within-relationality; this conception of autonomy allows for a different outcome to processes of judgement and possibilities for design. What might be occasioned is an architecture beyond nihilism. Andrew Benjamin is a professor of philosophy and humanities at Kingston University in London. For the last 14 years, he has taught at the University of Technology in Sydney were he currently holds the position of Distinguished Professor of Architectural Theory. Prior to that he taught for almost 20 years at the Architectural Association in London. His publications which touch on architecture, art history and philosophy include: Architectural Philosophy (Continuum, 2001); Style and Time (North Western University Press, 2006); Writing Art and Architecture (Re:press Books, 2010); Architectural Projections (RMIT Press, 2012); Art’s Philosophical Work (Rowman and Littlefield International, 2015). He is currently working with Gerard Reinmuth in an ongoing studio investigation of relational architecture.
关 键 词: 体系结构; 权力; 空间
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-08-04:yumf
最后编审: 2021-09-15:zyk
阅读次数: 30