曼弗雷多·塔夫里(Manfredo Tafuri):作为政治计划的历史计划

Manfredo Tafuri: Progetto storico (the historical project) as Political Project
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_stoppani_political_proje...  
主讲教师: Teresa Stoppani
开课单位: 伦敦南岸大学
开课时间: 2017-10-20
课程语种: 英语
塔夫里(Tafuri)著名且经常被盗用的Progetto e Utopia(建筑学和乌托邦,1973年)在他1969年的文章Per una commenta dell’ideologia architettonica的基础上得到了扩展。塔夫里(Tafuri)在《建筑学与乌托邦》的序言中驳斥了他的论文被视为“世界末日预言”(对“建筑之死”的最终宣告)的批评,并解释说这本书旨在确定“那些资本主义发展所摆脱的任务”建筑'。该书绝不是失败主义者,而是寻求一种互动形式,这种互动形式可以超越“纯粹的建筑/没有乌托邦/崇高的无用形式”,以使建筑重新发挥积极的社会作用。本文认为,塔弗里(Tafuri)的这项工作为他的长期计划奠定了基础,该计划将建筑历史重塑为建筑内的必要声音。这将重新定义(和内部)建筑历史学家的作用,但同时也揭示了建筑与权力的复杂交汇处,从而揭示并激发了其强大的环境代理机构。

所讨论的案例研究将集中于Tafuri的研究。 Teresa Stoppani是伦敦南岸大学建筑研究教授,她领导着建筑,城市化和数字化建设研究中心。她的研究兴趣是建筑理论与城市环境中的设计过程之间的关系,以及其他空间和关键实践对特定建筑的影响。她是《范式群岛:曼哈顿和威尼斯》(Routledge,2010年)和即将出版的《反正统的建筑与城市思维方法》(Routledge,2018年)的作者,也是《被称为理论的事物》(Routledge,2016年)的共同编辑。 >

课程简介: Tafuri’s celebrated and often misappropriated Progetto e Utopia (Architecture and Utopia, 1973) expands upon his 1969 essay Per una critica dell’ideologia architettonica. In Architecture and Utopia’s preface Tafuri dismisses the criticism that his essay had received as 'an apocalyptic prophecy', the ultimate pronouncement of the 'death of architecture', and explains that the book aims to identify 'those tasks which capitalist development has taken away from architecture'. Far from defeatist, the book looks for a form of engagement that can see beyond 'pure architecture/form without utopia/sublime uselessness' in order to return architecture to an active role in society. This paper argues that with this work Tafuri sets the grounds for his long-term project of reinventing architectural history as a necessary voice within architecture. This would redefine the role of the historian of (and in) architecture, but also expose the complex intersections of architecture with power, thus both revealing and instigating its powerful environmental agency. Discussed case study will focus on Tafuri’s analysis and criticism of Le Corbusier’s Algiers projects. Teresa Stoppani is Professor of Research in Architecture at London South Bank University, where she directs the Centre for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Digital Construction. Her research interests are the relationship between architecture theory and the design process in the urban environment, as well as the influence of other spatial and critical practices on the specifically architectural. She is the author of Paradigm Islands: Manhattan and Venice (Routledge, 2010) and of the forthcoming Unorthodox Ways to Rethink Architecture and the City (Routledge, 2018), and co-editor of This Thing Called Theory (Routledge, 2016).
关 键 词: Tafuri; 《建筑学与乌托邦》; 建筑
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-08-05:yumf
最后编审: 2020-08-05:yumf
阅读次数: 73