数字收藏中精选的濒危非洲语言:ǂKhomaniSan | 休·布罗迪(Hugh Brody)收藏

Endangered African Languages Featured in a Digital Collection: The Case of the ǂKhomani San | Hugh Brody Collection
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/rail2020_jones_mutific_endangered_africa...  
主讲教师: Sanjin Muftić
开课单位: 开普敦大学
开课时间: 2020-05-20
课程语种: 英语
ǂKhomaniSan|休·布罗迪收藏(Hugh Brody Collection)以三种濒临灭绝的语言,即N | uu,Kora和Khoekhoe以及南非荷兰语的方言来讲述土著猎人采集者后代的声音和历史。该收藏品的很大一部分是音频(旧媒体)录音,这些录音对休·布罗迪(Hugh Brody)和他的同事在1997年至2012年之间与社区成员进行的采访(可追溯到1800年代)。开普敦大学的数字图书馆服务团队旨在在Omeka S上运行的UCT广泛的数字馆藏平台Ibali上以数字方式展示该馆藏。在本文中,我们着重强调了在南非背景下此类馆藏的重要性,以及为确保尊重ǂKhomaniSan的故事而采取的道德步骤,因为他们的故事被上载到资料库中并可供所有人使用。我们还将在Ibali上展示部分已完成的收藏,并在Omeka S后端上指导读者进行收藏的组织。最后,我们将概述从数字化到存储库发布的开发过程,并提出数据清理,传统媒体的管理,多语言支持和站点组织方面的一些挑战。
课程简介: The ǂKhomaniSan | Hugh Brody Collection features the voices and history of indigenous hunter gatherer descendants in three endangered languages namely, N|uu, Kora and Khoekhoe as well as a regional dialect of Afrikaans. A large component of this collection is audio-visual (legacy media) recordings of interviews conducted with members of the community by Hugh Brody and his colleagues between 1997 and 2012, referring as far back as the 1800s. The Digital Library Services team at the Universityof Cape Town aim to showcase the collection digitally on the UCT-wide Digital Collections platform, Ibali which runs on Omeka-S. In this paper we highlight the importance of such a collection in the context of South Africa, and the ethical steps that were taken to ensure the respect of the ǂKhomani San as their stories get uploaded onto a repository and become accessible to all. We will also feature some of the completed collection on Ibali and guide the reader through the organisation of the collection on the Omeka-S backend. Finally, we will outline our development process, from digitisation to repository publishing as well as present some of the challenges in data clean-up, the curation of legacy media, multi-lingual support, and site organisation.
关 键 词: 濒危语言; 收藏; 数字图书馆
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-09-21:yumf
最后编审: 2020-09-21:yumf
阅读次数: 67