
Power and the Architectural Unconscious
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_dolar_architectural_unco...  
主讲教师: Mladen Dolar
开课单位: 卢布尔雅那大学
开课时间: 2017-10-20
课程语种: 英语



Mladen Dolar是卢布尔雅那大学哲学系的教授兼高级研究员。他的主要研究领域是精神分析,现代法国哲学,德国唯心主义和艺术理论。除了在斯洛文尼亚出版的十二本书和在期刊上发表并收集的数百篇英文论文之外,他的著作包括最著名的《配音》(麻省理工学院,2006年,翻译成六种语言)和《歌剧第二次死亡》(与SlavojŽižek,Routledge合作) (2001年,也翻译成几种语言)。他是所谓的卢布尔雅那拉卡尼亚学校的创始人之一。杜克大学出版社即将出版他的新书《最危险的时刻》。

课程简介: In the beginning of Civilization and its Discontents Freud curiously uses an architectural metaphor to present the workings of the unconscious. Nothing gets lost or obliterated in the unconscious, as the unconscious is timeless, so the image he proposes is that of Rome, ‘the eternal city’, as the saying goes – all the various layers of the past coexist in Rome. Everything coexists, but as a ruin, like an urbanistic unconscious. Yet for the image to work one must presuppose that all the stages had their heyday of full bloom before being reduced to fragmented remains, while with the unconscious one must deal with something that ‘always already’ been a ruin to start with, something fragmented and partial ‘in itself’. But couldn’t one adopt this perspective also in their approach to architecture at large, urbanism as a whole? There is the double aspect of architecture, which displays on the one hand a side of glory, attesting to the power it seeks to promote, and on the other hand the aspect of ruin, a fragment, a lack, an absence, a distortion, a haunting. Maybe the task is how to disentangle the interlacing and the interlocking of these two aspects. Since the presentation is supposed to relate to a particular example, I would take the strange case of KSEVT, the Cultural Center of European Space Technologies, a most remarkable building erected in a Slovene village by some of the most prestigious Slovene architectural offices, presenting an intersection of culture and cosmos, art and nature, natural sciences and humanities, the local and the global – a building that has been placed, over the last years, at the heart of an iconic power struggle. Mladen Dolar is a professor and Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana. His principal areas of research are psychoanalysis, modern French philosophy, German idealism, and art theory. Apart from a dozen books in Slovene and some hundred papers in English published in journals and collected volumes his book publications include most notably A Voice and Nothing More (MIT, 2006, translated into six languages) and Opera’s Second Death (with Slavoj Žižek, Routledge, 2001, also translated into several languages). He is one of the founders of the so-called Ljubljana Lacanian School. His new book The Riskiest Moment is forthcoming with Duke University Press.
关 键 词: 建筑; 弗洛伊德; 潜意识
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-09-26:zkj
最后编审: 2020-10-22:zyk
阅读次数: 44