Advancements in Underwater Vehicles: Responding to Current Environmental Issues;水下航行器的进展:对当前环境问题的回应

Advancements in Underwater Vehicles: Responding to Current Environmental Issues;水下航行器的进展:对当前环境问题的回应
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_morash_auv/  
主讲教师: James Morash
开课单位: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课时间: 2013-09-16
课程语种: 英语
即使人类可以像鱼一样在水下呼吸,我们可能也不想永久地水生。“信不信由你,”詹姆斯·莫拉什说,“深海有点无聊,”它被如此多的沙质海底覆盖。然而,关于这个地形还有很多东西需要了解,直到上个世纪,这对人类来说都是一个谜。正如莫拉什所指出的那样,气候变化科学家和对变暖对海洋生态系统影响感兴趣的研究人员越来越关注海洋系统。 莫拉什告诉我们,事实证明,将人类送入潜水器进行大量艰苦而耗时的水下研究已经证明太危险和昂贵了,因此工程师们一直在设计可以代替我们完成大部分工作的车辆。第一代此类车辆需要电缆来从地面上获得电源和命令,并且使用摄像头和灯光,“只不过是飞动的眼球”,电缆被证明是一个主要限制,限制了车辆的操作范围,并在波涛汹涌的大海中碍事。 莫拉什和他的同事们一直在制造新一代自主水下航行器(AUV),类似于在火星上运行的漫游车。它们配备了电池,声学遥测和车载计算机。“你拥有的是一辆乐于一次在海底上空行驶数小时的车辆,拍摄无尽的裸沙照片,直到它遇到更令人兴奋的事情,如深水珊瑚礁或沉船。 在不同深度,或远程监测珊瑚礁的腐烂和季节变化。石油工业使用AUV来维护海上石油钻井平台。海军已经要求一个AUV,它可以在发生洪水时作为灾难响应平台,测试分水岭的“扩散污染羽流”或识别其他水传播危害。莫拉什的同事们正在麻省理工学院的校友池中测试另一种AUV,该AUV旨在快速潜入作为鱼类苗圃的珊瑚群落,这些地方非常深,生命不是基于阳光,而是基于化学合成。
课程简介: Even if humans could breathe under water like fish, we might not want to become permanently aquatic. “Believe it or not,” says James Morash , “the deep ocean is kind of boring,” covered as it is by so much sandy sea floor. And yet there’s much to be learned about this terrain, which was a mystery to humans up ‘til the last century. As Morash points out, ocean systems are increasingly of interest to climate change scientists, and to researchers interested in the impacts of warming on marine ecosystems. It has proved too dangerous and expensive, Morash tells us, to send humans inside submersibles to carry out much of this painstaking and time-consuming underwater research, so engineers have been designing vehicles that can do much of the work in our stead. The first generation of such vehicles required cables for power and commands from the surface, and with cameras and lights, were “not much more than flying eyeballs.” The cables proved a major limitation, constraining the vehicles operating scope and getting in the way in rough seas. Morash and his colleagues have been cooking up a new generation of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), which resemble the rovers operating on Mars. They’re fitted out with batteries, acoustic telemetry, and on board computers. “What you have is a vehicle that is happy to drive above the sea floor for hours at a time, taking endless photos of bare sand until it happens across something more exciting like a deep water coral reef or a shipwreck.” Applications for AUVs include essential, drudge missions like taking water quality samples over a wide patch of ocean, at different depths, or remote monitoring of coral reefs for decay and seasonal changes. The oil industry uses AUVs for maintaining offshore oil rigs. The Navy has requested an AUV that might serve as a disaster response platform in case of a flood, to test a watershed for “spreading pollution plumes” or to identify other waterborne hazards. And Morash’s colleagues are testing another AUV in the MIT alumni pool that is designed to dive quickly down to coral communities that serve as fish nurseries, places so deep that life is based not on sunlight but on chemosynthesis.
关 键 词: 水下航行器; 环境问题; 水下研究
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-09-28:wyr
阅读次数: 54