
How do you publish one thousand web pages, in 12 languages, at a high quality, 50% quicker than you can today?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2013_morgan_web/  
主讲教师: Sinclair Morgan
开课单位: SDL公司
开课时间: 2013-09-19
课程语种: 英语

当今的公共组织和机构面临着为数字世界创建信息的需求:信息是动态的而不是静态的,是针对个人需求进行高度定制的,并且可以跨多个渠道和地理位置按需提供。随着内容量的增加,必须找到在不过度增加翻译预算的情况下提供多语言信息的新方法。机器翻译与人工后期编辑相结合是一种创新的新方法,可以帮助克服这些挑战,但是它真的可以提供多语言Web内容所需的质量水平吗?本演讲将以一些世界领先的私营部门公司的真实案例为例,将演示如何使用集成的机器翻译和后期编辑功能来在不影响质量的前提下大幅增加网络上发布的多语言信息的数量。 。引用SDL与欧洲机器翻译协会和美国机器翻译协会联合进行的2010年自动翻译调查,演讲还将考虑机器翻译与后期编辑结合的接受趋势。

课程简介: Today's public organizations and institutions are faced with creating information for a digital world: information that is fluid rather than static, highly customized for individual needs, and available on-demand across multiple channels and geographies. As content volumes increase, new ways of delivering multilingual information without overstretching translation budgets must be found. Machine translation combined with human post-editing is an innovative new approach to help overcome these challenges, but can it really deliver the level of quality required for multilingual web content? Calling on real-life examples from some of the world leading private sector companies, this presentation will demonstrate how integrated machine translation and post-editing is already in use to considerably increase the amount of multilingual information that is being published on the web, without compromising on quality. Referencing SDL's automated translation survey 2010, ran in conjunction with the European Association of Machine Translation and the American Machine Translation Association, the presentation will also consider trends in the acceptance of machine translation combined with post-editing.
关 键 词: 数字世界; 多语言信息; 机器翻译
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-10-28:zyk
最后编审: 2020-10-28:zyk
阅读次数: 34