
Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ijcai2011_t3_optimization/  
主讲教师: Jesús Cerquides; Alessandro Farinelli; Sarvapali D. Ramchurn; Pedro Meseguer; Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar
开课单位: 人工智能研究所
开课时间: 2011-08-23
课程语种: 英语

在过去几年中,多代理系统的新颖应用数量呈指数级增长,范围从在线拍卖设计到多传感器网络,再到多参与者系统中的任务调度。为所有这些应用程序设计的多代理系统通常需要某种形式的优化才能实现其目标。本教程将介绍针对多主体系统不同领域中的优化问题的最新解决方案技术,尤其侧重于基于市场的资源分配,联盟形成和合作分散决策。此外,还将突出开放性问题和有希望的未来研究方向。潜在的目标对象是对AI技术进行优化具有基本背景并且对Multi Agent System领域感兴趣的博士生和研究人员,或者相反,他们一直在从事多Agent系统的研究并希望了解更多有关可能的优化技术的信息。在该字段中应用。

课程简介: The number of novel applications of multi-agent systems has followed an exponential trend over the last few years, ranging from online auction design, through in multi-sensor networks, to scheduling of tasks in multi-actor systems. Multi-agent systems designed for all these applications generally require some form of optimisation in order to achieve their goal. This tutorial will present state of the art solution techniques for optimisation problems in different areas of multi-agent systems, particularly focusing on market based resource allocation, coalition formation and cooperative decentralised decision making. Moreover, open questionsand promising future research directions will be highlighted. The potential targets are PhD students and researchers who have a basic background on AI techniques for optimisation and are interested in the field of Multi-Agent Systems, or conversely that have been working on multi-agent systems and want to learn more about optimisation techniques that could be applied in this field.
关 键 词: 多代理系统; 资源分配; 系统优化
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-06:zyk
最后编审: 2021-05-14:yumf
阅读次数: 79