
Dynamic composition of communication services
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/single_fortuna_communication_services/  
主讲教师: Carolina Fortuna
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡学院
开课时间: 2013-07-19
课程语种: 英语
在这篇论文中,我们将网路功能视为一组可以动态组合的服务。我们认为,通信服务的动态组合可以加快新协议栈的设计和实验。通信网络的参考开放系统互连(OSI)体系结构将网络功能划分为多个层,每个层为上面的层提供服务。在我们的方法中,通过将层视为一组服务,OSI分层抽象所提供的模块性被进一步分割。 为了证实我们的主张,我们提出了一个概念框架,用于快速高效地原型化和部署模块化协议栈,作为通信服务的组成部分,以及它的参考实现协议栈。该框架由四个部分组成:物理试验台、模块库、声明语言和工作台。作为参考实现,ProtoStack可以支持的物理试验台必须基于能够承载Contiki操作系统的硬件平台。ProtoStack使用的模块库称为Composeable rome(CRime)。声明性语言基于资源描述框架(RDF)并使用定制的词汇表。workbench是一个基于web的门户,它允许从可用的犯罪模块轻松、图形化地配置堆栈。 通过收集首次用户的反馈,我们发现ProtoStack工具可以显著加快新堆栈的原型和测试,并且对新手和高级用户都很友好。初步反馈表明,该工具至少可以将新协议栈的设计和原型化速度提高2倍。协议栈提高灵活性和原型化速度的代价是增加内存占用、处理速度和能耗。ProtoStack使用的CRime库占用空间大16%,执行open->send->recv->close序列的时间要长2.4倍,这样做会消耗1.6%的能量。即使使用ProtoStack,节点会消耗更多的资源,但在原型化速度方面的折衷似乎是值得的。 论文的最后一部分讨论了面向服务网络和认知网络,以及如何利用通信服务的动态组合来进一步研究这一领域。特别是,我们在选定的用例中展示了如何使用ProtoStack来设计和试验SONs和CN。论文最后给出结论,并简要讨论了未来的工作。
课程简介: In this thesis, we look at networking functionality as a set of services which can be composed dynamically. We argue that the dynamic composition of communication services can speed up design and experimentation with new protocol stacks. The reference Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) architecture of communication networks splits network functionality into layers, each providing a service to the layer above. The modularity provided by the OSI layered abstraction is further split in our approach by looking also at layers as a set of services. In order to substantiate our claim, we propose a conceptual framework for quick and efficient prototyping and deployment of modular protocol stacks as a composition of communication services, and its reference implementation ProtoStack. The proposed framework consists of four components: the physical testbed, the module library, the declarative language and the workbench. The physical testbeds that ProtoStack, as the reference implementation, can support have to be based on hardware platforms which can host Contiki operating system. The module library used by ProtoStack is called Composeable Rime (CRime). The declarative language is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and uses a custom built vocabulary. The workbench is a web based portal which allows easy, graphically supported configuration of a stack from the available CRime modules. We show, through feedback collection from first time users, that the ProtoStack tool can significantly speed up prototyping and testing of new stacks and is friendly to novice and advanced users. The initial feedback shows that the tool can speed up design and prototyping of new protocol stack by at least a factor of 2. The cost of increased flexibility and prototyping speed of the protocol stack is paid in terms of increased memory footprint, processing speed and energy consumption. The CRime library used by ProtoStack has a 16% larger footprint, it takes 2.4 times longer to execute an open->send->recv->close sequence and consumes 1.6% more power in doing so. Even though with ProtoStack more resources are consumed by the node, the tradeoff in terms of prototyping speed seems to pay off. The last part of the thesis discusses service oriented networks (SON) and cognitive networks (CN) and how the dynamic composition of communication services can be used to further research in this area. Particularly, we show on selected use cases how ProtoStack can be used to design and experiment with SONs and CN. The thesis ends with conclusions and a brief discussion identifying future work.
关 键 词: 通信服务; 通信网络; 认知网络
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-16:yxd
最后编审: 2021-01-08:yumf
阅读次数: 56