
Ethical View on Plastics as a Work of Art or Restoration Material
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/MAOplastika2017_kikelj_view_on_plastics/  
主讲教师: Martina Lesar Kikelj
开课单位: 斯洛文尼亚文化遗产保护研究所
开课时间: 2017-04-20
课程语种: 英语
专业和道德问题与困境,在工作时间之外寻求专门知识以及寻找适当的方法和技术,已经导致保护和恢复文化遗产领域的专家们成立了斯洛文尼亚文物保护与恢复学会,作为保护修复专家之间共享想法,专有技术和良好实践的平台。时至今日,该协会的使命仍然不变。有关文化遗产的研究以及道德和保护修复方法几乎与文化遗产本身一样古老。但是,随着历史的流逝,有各种各样的文化遗产逐渐融合在一起,因为随着历史的推移,新材料的诞生与木材,石材,金属,玻璃等基本材料在技术上有所不同。对于不能选择其材料的整个遗产而言,必须保持不变并且必须保持一致。当我被要求发表开幕词时,有关斯洛文尼亚专家如何解决保存和修复由塑料制成的艺术品的问题,这个问题就立即出现了。该协会有300名成员,我敢肯定,其中有些成员已经解决了保存和修复塑料物品的问题,无论是作为独立的人工制品还是作为其他有用物品的一部分。但是,斯洛文尼亚没有可比的机构拥有独立的塑料材料修复部门。这表明,尽管我们的生活中存在着非常长时间和非常密集的材料,但是修复专业的这一分支却被忽略了,将来为了弥补由此产生的空白,将需要更多的关注。 同样重要的是,在一侧将塑料作为独立艺术品处理,而在另一侧将其作为用于保存-修复程序的修复材料的问题。这也许会引起兼容性,可逆性以及毕竟该材料用作修复材料的适用性的问题。关于这个问题的专题讨论会也许是一个很好的机会,可以将伴随的伦理学问题放在首位。



课程简介: Professional and ethical questions and dilemmas, the search for know-how and for appropriate methods and techniques also outside of working hours have led the experts in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage to establish the Slovenian Society for Conservation-Restoration, which served as a platform for sharing ideas, the know-how and good practices among conservationrestoration experts. Today, the society's mission remains the same. The studying as well as ethical and conservation-restoration approaches to preserving cultural heritage are almost as old as the cultural heritage itself. However, there are different kinds of cultural heritage gradually joining the whole, since with the passage of history new materials are born that are technologically different from the basic materials such as wood, stone, metal, glass, etc. The ethical attitude, however, stays and must be the same towards the entire heritage that cannot choose the material it is made from. When I was asked to deliver this opening address, the question as to how Slovenian experts have covered the problem of conserving and restoring works of art made of plastic materials immediately presented itself. The society has 300 members and I am sure that some of them have already tackled the question of conserving and restoring plastic objects, be it as a stand-alone artefact or as a part of another useful object. And yet, no comparable institution in Slovenia has an independent department for restoration of plastic materials. This shows that despite a very long and very intensive presence of the material in our lives, this branch of restoration profession has been neglected, and will need much attention in the future in order to fill the resulting gap. Also important is the problem of handling plastics as a stand-alone work of art on one side, and as restoration material for conservation-restoration procedures on different works of art on the other side. This perhaps raises the question of compatibility, reversibility and, after all, suitability of this material to be used as restoration material. The symposium on this issue is perhaps a great opportunity to give the accompanying ethical questions the highest priority.
关 键 词: 修复材料; 文化遗产; 艺术品
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-21:cjy
最后编审: 2020-11-21:cjy
阅读次数: 21