
Has lexicography reaped the full benefit of the (learner) corpus revolution?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/euralex2018_granger_corpus_revolution/  
主讲教师: Sylviane Granger
开课单位: 鲁汶大学
开课时间: 2018-07-27
课程语种: 英语
1992年,Rundell和Stock写了一篇由三部分组成的扩展文章,内容是“语料库革命”,其中描述了语料库的兴起及其对词典编纂的影响。 Rundell(2008)重新讨论了该主题,并专注于网络的到来,这引发了语料库革命的第二阶段。我的演讲的目的是研究当前词典词典的某些方面,并评估语料库革命是否真正实现了其诺言。我将证明,尽管单语学习者的词典在很大程度上是正确的(尤其是英语),但对于一般的双语词典而言,情况就不那么有利了,特别令人担忧的事实是,由于双语词典已被证明可以成为学习者最喜欢的参考工具。缺乏代表性的翻译语料库是造成这种跟不上步伐的部分原因。但是,我将表明,明智地使用当前可用的单语和双语语料库资源(尽管可能有限)已经可以对双语词典,尤其是其最薄弱的方面之一(其措词覆盖范围)带来实质性的改善。我还将重点介绍将学习者语料库数据添加到词典编纂者的单语和双语语料库中的价值,并说明“鲁汶英语学术目的词典”的好处,这是一种可定制的基于网络的工具,旨在帮助非英语母语者撰写学术论文。

1992年,Rundell and Stock撰写了一篇扩展的三部分文章,内容涉及“语料库革命”,其中描述了语料库的兴起及其对词典编纂的影响。 Rundell(2008)重新讨论了该主题,并专注于网络的到来,这引发了语料库革命的第二阶段。我的演讲的目的是研究当前词典词典的某些方面,并评估语料库革命是否真正实现了其诺言。我将证明,尽管单语学习者的词典在很大程度上是正确的(尤其是英语),但对于一般的双语词典而言,情况就不那么有利了,特别令人担忧的事实是,由于双语词典已被证明可以成为学习者最喜欢的参考工具。缺乏代表性的翻译语料库是造成这种跟不上步伐的部分原因。但是,我将表明,明智地使用当前可用的单语和双语语料库资源(尽管可能有限)已经可以对双语词典,尤其是其最薄弱的方面之一(其措词覆盖范围)带来实质性的改善。我还将重点介绍将学习者语料库数据添加到词典编纂者的单语和双语语料库库中的价值,并说明“鲁汶英语学术目的词典”的好处,这是一种可定制的基于网络的工具,旨在帮助非英语母语人士撰写学术论文。 / p>

课程简介: In 1992 Rundell and Stock wrote an extended three-part article on the “corpus revolution”, in which they describe the rise of corpora and their impact on lexicography. Rundell (2008) revisited the topic and focused on the arrival of the web, which triggered a second stage in the corpus revolution. The purpose of my presentation is to look at some aspects of the current lexicographic scene and assess whether the corpus revolution has really fulfilled its promise. I will show that, while this is largely true of monolingual learners’ dictionaries (especially in the case of English), the situation is much less favourable when it comes to general bilingual dictionaries, a particularly worrying fact given that bilingual dictionaries have been proved to be learners’ favourite reference tool. The lack of representative translation corpora is partly responsible for this failure to keep pace. However, I will show that the judicious use of currently available monolingual and bilingual corpus resources, limited though they may be, can already bring about substantial improvements to bilingual dictionaries, in particular to one of their weakest aspects: their phraseological coverage. I will also highlight the value of adding learner corpus data to the lexicographer’s monolingual and bilingual corpus base and illustrate the benefit with the Louvain English for Academic Purposes Dictionary, a customizable web-based tool designed to help non-native speakers of English write academic texts.
关 键 词: 语料库革命; 词典编纂; 双语词典
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-21:cjy
最后编审: 2020-11-21:cjy
阅读次数: 71