

A relevant in vitro model of the alveolus enables reliable studies of nanomaterial-cell interactions
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/biophysics2018_majaron_vitro_model/  
主讲教师: Hana Majaron
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡学院
开课时间: 2018-07-09
课程语种: 英语


课程简介: Although we are constantly being exposed to airborne nanomaterial, we are still unable to predict its potential adverse outcomes - an issue arising from our lack of understanding of the basic interactions of nanomaterial with biomolecules and our cells. In order to study these biophysical interactions, we designed a simple in vitro model of the lung alveolus, exposed to nanomaterial, which would more closely resemble the actual physiological conditions than the widely-used submerged in vitro models. As such, it would result in more reliable determination of relevant molecular interactions for description of nanomaterial toxicity. We have tested several methods of application of exogenous lung surfactant onto alveolar type II cells, and have found nebulization of lung surfactant to be the superior to pipetting with regard to the homogeneity of the surfactant layer. The subsequent nebulization of highly-concentrated nanoparticles enables a uniform exposure of cells to nanomaterial eliminating the need to disperse nanomaterial using physiologically irrelevant proteins, mainly albumin. Using these two improvements results in a simple in vitro model of lung alveoli, exposed to airborne nanomaterial, which enables studying biophysical interactions on a relevant system in real-time using super-resolution STED microscopy. I will also present the drawbacks of our current in vitro model and some suggested future upgrades.
关 键 词: 纳米材料; 纳米材料毒性; 表面活性剂
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-22:cjy
最后编审: 2020-11-22:cjy
阅读次数: 30