
Changes in the Land: Environmental Stresses and the Terrestrial Biosphere’s Capacity to Store Carbon
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_melillo_cles/  
主讲教师: Jerry M. Melillo
开课单位: 海洋生物实验室
开课时间: 2013-03-28
课程语种: 英语
杰里·梅利洛承受着巨大的知识负担。他研究全球变暖背后的力量,并试图预测它们将如何影响地球的未来。梅利洛的研究涉及到世界不同地区的小规模和大规模研究,并使他能够形成一个真正的全球图景,二氧化碳是如何释放到大气中,或储存在陆地生态系统中。 梅利洛在马萨诸塞州森林的研究突出了碳循环中一个鲜为人知的部分:如果更多的氮可供植物利用,它们就会生长得更好,并倾向于积累更多的碳——减少释放到大气中的量。因此,帮助减少大气中二氧化碳的一种方法就是用氮气喂养树木。但这只在一定程度上起作用,因为过多的氮,如肥料,会冲出土壤,冲入水源。 梅利洛提出的更大的前景是严峻的:人类的土地利用——特别是将森林转变为农业用地——代表着地球储存碳的能力不可逆转的丧失。他指出了一个惊人的破坏性项目:2005年中国在婆罗洲投资70亿美元,用于清理热带森林,以建立棕榈树种植园,生产生物燃料。婆罗洲一半的森林已经消失。在巴西,类似的企业也在进行中,清理森林和大草原,为大规模的大豆种植园让路——生产生物柴油。梅利洛指出了一个悖论,即破坏二氧化碳储存能力,以满足将产生更多二氧化碳的经济体。他说:“如果这种活动继续下去,陆地上碳储存的前景就不太乐观了。”。他还指出,随着全球变暖,我们必须应对更频繁的森林火灾,以及位于寒冷地区的大量碳,这些碳将随着冻土的融化和分解而释放到大气中。 梅利洛总结道:“我看到的是一个乌云密布的水晶球。”。“我们对全球碳循环的了解还不完整,我们目前管理全球碳循环的方法不符合人类的利益。”
课程简介: Jerry Melillo bears a formidable burden of knowledge. He studies the forces behind global warming, and attempts to predict how they will shape the future of the planet. Melillo’s research involves both small-scale and large-scale studies, in different regions of the world, and allows him to form a truly global picture of the ways carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, or stored within terrestrial ecosystems. Melillo’s research in Massachusetts forests has highlighted a little known piece of the carbon cycle: If more nitrogen becomes available to plants, they grow better, and tend to accumulate more carbon-- reducing the amount released to the atmosphere. So one way of helping reduce atmospheric CO2 is feeding trees with nitrogen. But this works only to a point, since too much nitrogen, from such sources as fertilizers, washes out of the soil and into water supplies. The bigger picture Melillo presents is grim: human land use -- specifically the conversion of forests into agricultural land -- represents an irreversible loss of the capacity of the planet to store carbon. He points to an astonishingly destructive project: China’s $7 billion dollar investment in Borneo in 2005 to clear tropical forests in order to create palm tree plantations to produce biofuel. Half of Borneo’s forests are already gone. Comparable enterprises are underway in Brazil, clearing forest and savannah to make way for massive soy bean plantations -- for biodiesel fuel. Melillo points to the paradox of destroying carbon dioxide storing capacity, to feed economies that will produce more carbon dioxide. “The prospects for carbon storage on land, if this activity continues -- it’s not a pretty picture,” he says. He also points out that as the world warms up, we must contend with more frequent forest fires, as well as the vast pool of carbon lying in cold regions, which will be released into the atmosphere as frozen soil thaws and decomposes. “I look into a very clouded crystal ball,” concludes Melillo. “Our knowledge of the global carbon cycle is incomplete and our current approach of managing it is not in the interests of humankind.”
关 键 词: 环境压力; 土地变化; 碳储存
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-26:yxd
最后编审: 2020-11-26:yxd
阅读次数: 42