
Amazon Web Services & MxNET
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2017_hands_on_tutorial_amazon/  
主讲教师: Zachary C. Lipton; Alex Smola
开课单位: 加利福尼亚大学
开课时间: 2017-11-14
课程语种: 英语
这个回购包含一系列增量笔记本电脑,旨在教授深度学习、apachemxnet(孵化)和胶子界面。我们的目标是利用Jupyter笔记本的优势,在一个地方呈现散文、图形、方程式和代码。如果我们成功了,结果将是一个资源,可以同时是一本书,课程材料,一个道具现场教程,和一个资源抄袭(在我们的祝福下)有用的代码。据我们所知,没有任何资源可以教授(1)现代深度学习中的全部概念,或者(2)将引人入胜的教科书与可运行代码交错。我们会在这次冒险活动结束时找出这个空白是否有充分的理由。 这本书的另一个独特之处是它的作者过程。我们正在公众视野中充分开发这一资源,并将其全部免费提供。虽然这本书有一些主要作者来确定基调和塑造内容,但我们欢迎来自社区的贡献,并希望与专家和社区成员共同撰写章节和整个章节。我们已经收到了通过完整的工作示例来更正打字错误的文章。
课程简介: This repo contains an incremental sequence of notebooks designed to teach deep learning, Apache MXNet (incubating), and the gluon interface. Our goal is to leverage the strengths of Jupyter notebooks to present prose, graphics, equations, and code together in one place. If we’re successful, the result will be a resource that could be simultaneously a book, course material, a prop for live tutorials, and a resource for plagiarising (with our blessing) useful code. To our knowledge there’s no source out there that teaches either (1) the full breadth of concepts in modern deep learning or (2) interleaves an engaging textbook with runnable code. We’ll find out by the end of this venture whether or not that void exists for a good reason. Another unique aspect of this book is its authorship process. We are developing this resource fully in the public view and are making it available for free in its entirety. While the book has a few primary authors to set the tone and shape the content, we welcome contributions from the community and hope to coauthor chapters and entire sections with experts and community members. Already we’ve received contributions spanning typo corrections through full working examples.
关 键 词: 网络服务; 深度学习; 代码
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-29:yxd
最后编审: 2020-12-15:chenxin
阅读次数: 32