
Stuck: Why It’s So Hard to Do New Things in Old Organizations
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_henderson_swsh/  
主讲教师: Rebecca Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-06-06
课程语种: 英语
20年来,丽贝卡·亨德森(Rebecca Henderson)研究了进行重大变革的大型组织,她最近将注意力转向了可持续性问题,这可能在社会应对气候变化方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 她认为,企业的工作不仅仅是“有效地制造小部件,为股东赚钱”。毕竟,“午餐比午餐更受欢迎”,而且有证据表明,减少浪费和能源使用,可持续地管理供应链可以提高盈利能力。此外,替代能源还为企业提供了“主要的增长机会”,她说:“如果所有的碳都被排除在大气中,就会有人赚大钱。”。别忘了对一个不仅仅是为了盈利,而是为了追求使命而激励员工的积极影响。 但如果企业要围绕可持续发展实施战略,这种“情感果汁”是不够的。亨德森认为,有可能帮助企业实现可持续发展,就像企业在陷入旧行为时学会摆脱困境一样。她描述了那些项目负担过重、无法做出深思熟虑的决策、在事情出了问题时指手画脚的公司。她引用了“老虎伍兹的变化理论”,在这个理论中,这位高尔夫高手积极地接受了“先坏后好”的理念。伍兹在他的车手身上练习了一种不同的击球方式,在比赛中表现不佳,直到他获得了新的、改进的技术。 亨德森表示,想要以根本不同的方式行事的公司,必须做好超负荷的准备,接受和管理业务将“先坏后好”的事实。亨德森说,陷入困境意味着衡量产能、跟踪资源、找出时间退后做决定,在公司的各个层面表现出一种承诺,并进行认真的对话,发自内心。亨德森总结道,在可持续发展方面,我们“需要打破超载与战略之间的僵局”,我们“需要非常精确地确定我们想要做什么”
课程简介: After 20 years studying large organizations that undertake significant transformations, Rebecca Henderson has of late turned her attention to the issue of sustainability, which may play a crucial role in society’s response to climate change. She believes the job of corporations goes beyond “making widgets effectively and making money for shareholders.” After all, “doing lunch is to be preferred to being lunch,” she says, and there’s evidence that reducing waste and energy use, and managing supply chains sustainably can improve profitability. In addition, alternative energy sources offer “major growth opportunities” for firms -- “someone will make a lot of money if all that carbon gets taken out of the atmosphere,” she says. And don’t forget the positive impacts on a workforce inspired not just to make a profit, but to pursue a mission. But this “emotional juice” is not enough if firms are to implement a strategy around sustainability. Henderson thinks it’s possible to help companies embrace sustainability in the same way companies learn to get unstuck when mired in old behaviors. She describes companies overloaded with projects, incapable of making thoughtful decisions, finger pointing when things go wrong. She invokes the “Tiger Woods theory of change,” in which the golf pro actively embraced “worse before better.” Woods practiced a different stroke on his driver, performing poorly in competitions for two years, until he emerged with new, improved skills. Companies looking to act in fundamentally different ways, says Henderson, must prepare for overload, accepting and managing the fact that the business will be “worse before better.” Becoming unstuck, says Henderson, means, measuring capacity, tracking resources, finding time to step back and make decisions, demonstrating a commitment at all levels of the company, and having serious conversations, from the mind and from the heart. In sustainability, concludes Henderson, we “need to break the logjam between overload and strategy,” and we “need to be very precise about what we want to do.”
关 键 词: 旧组织; 做事; 可持续性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-30:yxd
最后编审: 2021-09-15:zyk
阅读次数: 45