第三讲:上节课的总结(把一般的周期现象分析为简单周期现象的总和)Lecture 3: Summary Of Previous Lecture (Analyzing General Periodic Phenomena As A Sum Of Simple Periodic Phenomena) |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/stanfordee261f07_osgood_lec03/ |
主讲教师: | Brad G. Osgood |
开课单位: | 斯坦福大学 |
开课时间: | 2010-05-21 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 上一次,我说我们是通过求和来分析一般周期现象的第一步,几个组合,简单的积木的线性组合,简单的周期现象。所以让我提醒你我们做了什么,因为你必须意识到我们做了什么,没有做什么。我们说假设你能以某种形式写出周期性的信号。我们从T的F是给定的周期函数,周期信号开始。功能,信号相同。为了确定,我们把它看成是周期一,好吗?问题是它能不能用其他信号来表示,假设它可以用周期1的其他简单信号来表示,即复指数。。。 |
课程简介: | So last time, I say we took the first step in analyzing general periodic phenomena via the sum, so several combination, a linear combination of simple building blocks, simple periodic phenomena. So let me remind you what we did because it’s very important that you realize what we did and what we didn’t do. We said suppose that you can write a periodic signal in a certain form what has to happen. So we start off by saying F of T is a given periodic function, periodic signal. Function, signal same thing. And just to be definite we took it to have period one, all right? And the question is can it be represented in terms of others and suppose it can be represented in terms of other simple signals of period one, namely the complex exponential. ... |
关 键 词: | 简单周期现象; 周期信号; 复指数 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
数据采集: | 2020-12-07:yxd |
最后编审: | 2020-12-07:yxd |
阅读次数: | 40 |