

Bio-integrated micro-laser particles for sensing, imaging and cell barcoding
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/biophysics2018_humar_micro_laser/  
主讲教师: Matjaž Humar
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡学院
开课时间: 2018-07-09
课程语种: 英语

(1)M. Humar和S. H. Yun。细胞内微激光,Nature Photonics 9,572(2015)。 (2)胡玛(M. Humar),多布拉夫(A. Dobravec),赵X.可植入角膜,皮肤和血液的生物材料微激光。 Optica 4,1080 1085(2017)。 (3)哈马(M. Humar),阿帕(A.韵。微流控中光学共振编码细胞的光谱读取。芯片上的实验室17,2777 2784(2017)。 (4)S.Cho,M.Humar,N.Martino,S.H.Yun,物理评论快报117,193902(2016)。 (5)休马尔·S·J·J。郭国S Cho,M. Choi,A.K.雪伊森(S.H.)韵。迈向基于生物材料的可植入光子器件。纳米光子学5,60–80(2016)。

课程简介: Micro-sized lasers completely embedded within single live cells (1) and biological tissues (2) have been demonstrated. The lasers were made out of solid beads including biocompatible and biodegradable materials. The lasers inside cells can act as very sensitive sensors, enabling us to better understand cellular processes. Further, lasers were used for cell tagging. Each laser within a cell emits light with a slightly different fingerprint that can be easily detected and used as a barcode to tag the cell (3), providing the ability the study cell migration including cancer metastasis. We have also demonstrated that small lasers embedded in the sample can be used for novel nonlinear microscopy, including super resolution imaging (4). The narrow spectra and nonlinear power dependence of stimulated emission from the laser particles yield optical sectioning, sub-diffraction resolution, and low out-of-focus background. Small lasers embedded into cells and tissues may enable new diagnostic, treatment and imaging tools in medicine and biology (5). (1) M. Humar and S. H. Yun. Intracellular microlasers, Nature Photonics 9, 572 (2015). (2) M. Humar, A. Dobravec, X. Zhao, S. H. Yun. Biomaterial microlasers implantable in the cornea, skin, and blood. Optica 4, 1080-1085 (2017). (3) M. Humar, A. Upadhya, S.H. Yun. Spectral reading of optical resonance-encoded cells in microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 17, 2777-2784 (2017). (4) S. Cho, M. Humar, N. Martino, S. H. Yun, Physical Review Letters 117, 193902 (2016). (5) M. Humar, S.J.J. Kwok, S.Y. Cho, M. Choi, A.K. Yetisen, S.H. Yun. Toward biomaterial-based implantable photonic devices. Nanophotonics 5, 60–80 (2016).
关 键 词: 微激光颗粒; 传感器; 激光粒子
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-12-14:cjy
最后编审: 2020-12-14:cjy
阅读次数: 73