
Big Data for Social Good
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2014_eagle_social_good/  
主讲教师: Nathan Eagle
开课单位: 雅娜移动公司
开课时间: 2014-10-07
课程语种: 英语

有关人类活动,交易和通讯方式的数据达到PB级,这是通过日常技术(例如手机和信用卡)生成的。前所未有的信息量促进了适用于各种发展问题的一系列新颖的研究问题。在涉及102个国家/地区的237个手机运营商的合作中,Jana的移动技术平台可以即时轮询并补偿34.8亿活跃用户。本演讲将讨论如何从肯尼亚生活中获得的见识如何成为一家技术公司的起源,该公司目前与50多个国家/地区的全球客户合作,其中包括宝洁,谷歌,联合利华,达能,General Mills,雀巢,强生,微软,世界银行和联合国。在概述了新兴市场中的移动和社交媒体格局之后,我们讨论了一种实现民意测验和移动订阅补偿的系统。演讲的最后将强调在世界服务水平不足和研究不足的地区,消费者数据的价值。

课程简介: Petabytes of data about human movements, transactions and communication patterns are being generated by everyday technologies such as mobile phones and credit cards. This unprecedented volume of information facilitates a novel set of research questions applicable to a wide range of development issues. In collaboration involving 237 mobile phone operators across 102 countries, Jana’s mobile technology platform can instantly poll and compensate 3.48 billion active mobile subscriptions. This talk will discuss how insights gained from living in Kenya became the genesis of a technology company currently working with global clients in over 50 countries, including P&G, Google, Unilever, Danone, General Mills, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, the World Bank, and the United Nations. After providing an overview of the mobile and social media landscapes in emerging markets, we discuss a system that implements polls and mobile subscription compensation. The presentation will conclude by emphasizing the value of consumer data in underserved and understudied regions of the world.
关 键 词: 社交媒体; 公益数据
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-12-23:zyk
最后编审: 2020-12-23:zyk
阅读次数: 27