

Diversifying Cities: Migration, Habitation, and Community Development
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_briggs_hardman_valenzuela_andor...  
主讲教师: Xavier de Souza Briggs
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-23
课程语种: 英语
萨维尔·布里格斯(Xavier de Souza Briggs)说,人类历史上规模最大的迁徙也是潜在的最具变革性的。现在是时候考虑新的问题框架了,他说,不要重提“公民生活是对权力的竞争”,但也许这是我们终于可以实现古老的公民观念的时刻。对于计划人员而言,这可能意味着学习“如何创建一个宜人的地方,对可能的感觉。”

安娜·哈德曼说,当今世界上至少有3%的人口居住在未出生的地方,并且这个数字正在迅速上升。但是“移民以戏剧性的方式而不是戏剧性的方式是看不见的。”两年前,骚乱在巴黎郊外爆发时,“政策制定者没有工具来掌握正在发生的事情”,因为他们没有收集有关这些街区移民的信息。 “他们认为这会破坏人们对持有法国护照的人都是法国人的看法。”但是,考虑到他们在新居和原籍国中日益增长的经济影响,官员和计划人员必须更加重视移民。

仅关注移民城市的融合会错过另外两个重要过程,” Abel Valenzuela说。 ,Jr.尽管移民经常过着不稳定的生活,经常在当局的监视下,但他们仍在强有力地改变他们所迁徙的社区。例如,在洛杉矶中南部,拉丁裔移民最近超过了非洲裔美国人,带来了“新的文化习俗,经济机会……以及许多美食”。足球爱好者接管公园,街头生活与摊贩,艺术品,就业市场和集市明显不同。一些社区欢迎这些变化。其他人则试图减少新活动,对丰富多彩的公共活动不以为然,并担心会对劳动力市场产生负面影响。瓦伦苏埃拉认为,总体而言,移民流动是“一种经济和文化刺激”,可能会导致公民机构复兴。他推动政策改革,这是无证移民走向正常化的道路,并化解了移民立法所引发的种族紧张局势。他还建议规划人员将目光从大型门户城市转移到农村社区和郊区,同时移民也要与之绑定。

尽管劳伦斯社区工程学院在马萨诸塞州这个古老的磨坊镇建造了精心设计的房屋并开展了一系列投资活动,杰西卡·安道斯(Jessica Andors)以她的团队的网络组织方法为荣。她指出,“许多社区发展干预措施在很大程度上是供应方设计最佳住房,并提供满足当地需求的计划。”相反,CommunityWorks专注于对“知情且受过教育的需求进行投资,使人们根据自己的意愿表达意见并采取集体行动”。最终,这给他们提供了塑造分配重要资源的政治环境的机会。 CommunityWorks帮助家庭省钱,买房,投资高等教育;建立互助网络;并采取集体行动以“改变城市的景观,无论是经济,公民还是自然景观。”

课程简介: The largest scale migration in human history, says Xavier de Souza Briggs, is potentially the most transformative as well. It’s time to consider new frames for issues, he says -- not rehash “civic life as a competition over power” but perhaps see this as a moment when we can realize, finally, the ancient idea of a citizenship. For planners, this may mean learning “how to create a welcoming place, a sense of what’s possible.” At least 3% of the world’s population today live in places where they were not born, says Anna Hardman, and this number is rapidly rising. And yet “immigrants are invisible in dramatic and not so dramatic ways.” When riots exploded outside Paris two years ago, “policy makers had no tools to grasp what was happening” because they hadn’t collected information on immigrants in those neighborhoods. “They thought it would destroy the perception that everyone with a French passport is a Frenchman.” But officials and planners must take greater heed of immigrants, given their growing economic impact in both their new homes and their countries of origin. Focusing just on integration in migrant cities misses two other vital processes, says Abel Valenzuela, Jr. While migrants often lead precarious lives, frequently under the radar of the authorities, they nevertheless are powerfully transforming the neighborhoods into which they move. In South Central LA for example, Latino immigrants have recently surpassed African-Americans, bringing “new cultural mores, economic opportunities…and lots of great food.” Soccer lovers take over parks, and street life feels noticeably different, with vendors, art, employment markets and bazaars. Some communities welcome these changes; others attempt to curtail new activities, frowning on colorful public events and fearing negative impacts on labor markets. Valenzuela sees immigrant flow on the whole as “an economic and cultural stimulus” that may lead to revitalized civic institutions. He promotes policy reform, a path toward normalization for undocumented immigrants and defusing racial tensions that immigrant legislation provokes. He also suggests planners look beyond big gateway cities to rural communities and suburbs, to which immigrants are also bound. Although Lawrence CommunityWorks has built well-designed housing and launched a slew of ventures in this old Massachusetts mill town, Jessica Andors takes greatest pride in her group’s network organizing approach. She notes that many “community development interventions are to a large extent supply side--designing the best housing, offering programs to meet local needs.” CommunityWorks instead focuses on investing in “informed, educated demand, with people voicing and acting collectively toward what they want.” This ultimately gives them an opportunity to shape the political environment that doles out important resources. CommunityWorks helps families save money, buy homes, invest in higher education; it builds mutual support networks; and engages in collective action to “transform the landscape of the city, whether economic, civic, or physical.”
关 键 词: 城市多样化; 社区发展; 政治环境
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-01-27:nkq
最后编审: 2021-03-10:zyk
阅读次数: 42