
PageRank and Generic Entity Summarization for RDF Knowledge Bases
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc2018_diefenbach_thalhammer_pagerank/  
主讲教师: Andreas Thalhammer; Dennis Diefenbach
开课单位: 圣艾蒂安让蒙内大学
开课时间: 2018-07-10
课程语种: 英语

排名和实体汇总是紧密相连的操作,在许多不同的领域中经常发生。可能的应用领域包括信息检索,问题解答,命名实体歧义消除,共同参考解析和自然语言生成。但是,由于可访问的资源很少,因此限制了这些技术的使用。 PageRank计算是资源密集型的,而实体摘要本身就是一个复杂的研究领域。我们为RDF知识库提供了两种通用且高度可重用的资源:用于基于PageRank的排名的组件和用于实体汇总的组件。 PageRankRDF和SummaServer这两个组件以开源代码的形式以及示例数据集和部署提供。此外,这项工作还概述了用于基于PageRank的RDF排名和实体汇总的组件在问答项目WDAqua中的应用。

课程简介: Ranking and entity summarization are operations that are tightly connected and recurrent in many different domains. Possible application fields include information retrieval, question answering, named entity disambiguation, co-reference resolution, and natural language generation. Still, the use of these techniques is limited because there are few accessible resources. PageRank computations are resource-intensive and entity summarization is a complex research field in itself. We present two generic and highly reusable resources for RDF knowledge bases: a component for PageRank-based ranking and a component for entity summarization. The two components, namely PageRankRDF and SummaServer, are provided in form of open source code along with example datasets and deployments. In addition, this work outlines the application of the components for PageRank-based RDF ranking and entity summarization in the question answering project WDAqua.
关 键 词: 数据集; 资源密集; 语言生成
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-03-10:zyk
最后编审: 2021-03-10:zyk
阅读次数: 49