RDF数据时域的混合采集Hybrid Acquisition of Temporal Scopes for RDF Data |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/eswc2014_rula_temporal_scopes/ |
主讲教师: | Anisa Rula |
开课单位: | 米兰大学 |
开课时间: | 2014-07-30 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 由RDF三元组描述的事实的有效时间间隔信息在大量应用中起着重要作用。但是,数据网络上可用的大多数知识库都没有以明确的方式提供此类信息。在本文中,我们提出了一种通用方法,可通过将时间信息插入知识库来解决此缺点。我们的方法结合了两种类型的信息,以将RDF三元组与时间间隔相关联。首先,它依靠事实验证框架DeFacto的扩展从文档Web收集的时间信息。其次,它利用知识库中包含的时间信息。在三步方法中结合了该知识,该方法包括匹配,选择和合并步骤。通过使用DBpedia和Freebase作为基础算法的输入和不同参数设置,我们针对从Yago2收集到的一系列事实评估了我们的方法。我们的结果表明,我们可以检测DBpedia中事实的时间信息,其F值高达70% p> |
课程简介: | Information on the temporal interval of validity for facts described by RDF triples plays an important role in a large number of applications. Yet, most of the knowledge bases available on the Web of Data do not provide such information in an explicit manner. In this paper, we present a generic approach which addresses this drawback by inserting temporal information into knowledge bases. Our approach combines two types of information to associate RDF triples with time intervals. First, it relies on temporal information gathered from the document Web by an extension of the fact validation framework DeFacto. Second, it harnesses the time information contained in knowledge bases. This knowledge is combined within a three-step approach which comprises the steps matching, selection and merging. We evaluate our approach against a corpus of facts gathered from Yago2 by using DBpedia and Freebase as input and diferent parameter settings for the underlying algorithms. Our results suggest that we can detect temporal information for facts from DBpedia with an F-measure of up to 70% |
关 键 词: | 基础算法; 数据网络 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
数据采集: | 2021-03-24:zyk |
最后编审: | 2021-03-24:zyk |
阅读次数: | 49 |