后现代美学与新自由主义政治:装饰与犯罪之间的关系Postmodern Aesthetics and Neoliberal Politics: A Relationship between Ornament and Crime |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_pfaller_postmodern_aesth... |
主讲教师: | Robert Pfaller |
开课单位: | 林兹艺术与工业设计大学 |
开课时间: | 2020-01-20 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 鉴于紧缩和私有化的新自由主义政治导致社会不平等现象急剧加剧,后现代性(正如我在最近的著作《 Erwachsenensprache》中所指出的)似乎是这种发展的意识形态上层建筑。它的程序化相对论,对他人的不断“民俗化”(例如,尼古拉斯·布尔里亚德(Nicolas Bourriaud)所说),以及将成年公民沦为臭名昭著的敏感投诉者(正如SlavojŽižek所指出的那样,诉权,但没有其他民权)是公共物品和场所经济私有化的政治和道德对等。这就提出了许多关于后现代性作为建筑风格的问题:这仅仅是这种意识形态的表达,还是至少具有一种相对的审美自主性?建筑后现代性促进装饰物的归还是明显的政治犯罪,还是存在某种纯真的行为?将建筑形式与意识形态想象力和政治现实联系起来的联系有多牢固?为了回答这些问题,我想仔细研究一下导致现代性奠基人之一的阿道夫·洛斯(Adolf Loos)导致“装饰与犯罪”之间著名的等式的原因。 p> 罗伯特·普洛弗尔(Robert Pfaller)是哲学家奥地利林茨艺术与工业设计大学教授。他的出版物包括:关于文化的快乐原则:没有主人的幻象,消极情绪:委派享受的美学,Erwachsenensprache:Überihr Verschwinden aus Politik und Kultur。 p> |
课程简介: | In the light of the dramatically increased social inequality due to the neoliberal politics of austerity and privatization, postmodernity appears (as I have argued in my recent book Erwachsenensprache) as the ideological superstructure to this development. Its programmatic relativism, the constant “folklorisation” of the Other (that has been remarked, for instance, by Nicolas Bourriaud), and the reduction of the adult citizen to a notoriously sensitive complainer (that only has, as Slavoj Žižek pointed out, the right to complain, but no other civil right whatsoever) are the political and ethical counterparts to the economic privatization of public goods and spaces. This raises a number of questions about postmodernity as a style in architecture: is this nothing but the expression of this ideology, or does it have at least a kind of relative aesthetic autonomy? Is the return of the ornament promoted by architectural postmodernity an obvious political crime, or is there a kind of innocence to it? How strong are the ties that link architectural form to ideological imagination and political reality? In order to answer these questions, I want to closely examine the reasons that led one of the founding fathers of modernity, Adolf Loos, to the famous equation between “ornament and crime”. Robert Pfaller is a philosopher and professor at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria. His publications include: On the Pleasure Principle in Culture: Illusions without Owners, Interpassivity: The Aesthetics of Delegated Enjoyment, Erwachsenensprache: Über ihr Verschwinden aus Politik und Kultur. |
关 键 词: | 后现代美学; 新自由主义政治 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
数据采集: | 2021-03-27:yumf |
最后编审: | 2021-04-14:zyk |
阅读次数: | 108 |