
Blogosphere: Research Issues, Applications, and Tools
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd08_liu_briat/  
主讲教师: Huan Liu; Nitin Agarwal
开课单位: 阿肯色大学
开课时间: 2008-09-26
课程语种: 英语

本教程的目的是全面概述博客圈中的技术,应用程序和研究问题。 Weblog或Blog促进了人们表达自己的想法,表达自己的观点以及分享他们的经验和想法。个人体验到一种社区感,一种归属感,一种成员之间相互联系的纽带,他们的利基需求将通过在线互动来满足。它的开放标准和较低的发布障碍已将信息消费者转变为生产者。这创造了大量的开放源代码情报,或称为“集体智慧”,可作为有关成员,成员的环境及其之间共生关系的大量知识的仓库。尽管如此,仍有大量的这种知识仍以最合适的方式被发现和利用。在本教程中,我们介绍当前和最新的研究问题,回顾研究的一些关键要素,例如Blogosphere中的工具和方法,并提供一个案例研究,以识别社区中有影响力的博客作者,以举例说明一些主要方面的集成在本教程中进行了讨论。

课程简介: The objective of this tutorial is to give a comprehensive overview of the techniques, applications, and research issues in the blogosphere. Weblogs, or Blogs, have facilitated people to express their thoughts, voice their opinions, and share their experiences and ideas. Individuals experience a sense of community, a feeling of belonging, a bonding that members matter to one another and their niche needs will be met through online interactions. Its open standards and low barrier to publication have transformed information consumers to producers. This has created a plethora of open-source intelligence, or "collective wisdom" that acts as the storehouse of overwhelming amounts of knowledge about the members, their environment and the symbiosis between them. Nonetheless, vast amounts of this knowledge still remain to be discovered and exploited in its most suitable way. In this tutorial, we introduce current and state-of-the-art research issues, review some key elements of research such as tools and methodologies in Blogosphere, and present a case study of identifying the influential bloggers in a community to exemplify the integration of some major aspects discussed in this tutorial.
关 键 词: 博客圈; 在线互动; 教程
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-04-11:nkq
最后编审: 2021-04-11:nkq
阅读次数: 30