

Business & Labor Law
课程网址: https://ocw.vu.edu.pk/CourseDetails.aspx?cat=Law&course=MGT611  
主讲教师: Mr Khalil Ahmad Rao
开课单位: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语

巴基斯坦的法律范围和法律制度:法律概念法律的意义,法学的意义和重要性,包括分析法学,历史法学,伦理法学在内的各种法学。根据不同法学家的观点对法律的定义,法律的分类,命令法的要点,包括立法在内的法律的法律渊源)先例,习惯,协议合同法(1872年《合同法》):协议的定义和概念,承诺,承诺者,承诺者,对价,无效协议和提案。对价的概念和范围,有效合同要约(包括要约和接受),法律关系,法律对价,当事方,当事方的自由同意,当事方的法律能力的概念,自由同意的重要性和范围,合同的种类包括有效合同,可撤销合同,无效合同,不可执行合同,特快合同,隐含合同,已执行合同,执行合同,或有合同,合同履行,相互承诺履行,合同解除,不同的合同解除方式包括通过履行,通过无法履行,通过当事方协议,通过法律实施,通过违反合同,有效招标的要件,包括以下内容:违反合同,违反合同的补救措施包括损害赔偿诉讼: 73,要求赔偿的一方有权废除有权获得赔偿的合同的一方:第二节。 75,适用于特定履行,适用禁制令,弥偿和担保合同,保释和质押合同,代理合同和代理合同范围《合伙法》(《 1932年合伙法》):合伙的概念,基本要点和种类合伙,合伙人的一般职责,合伙人的相互权利和责任与公司有关的法律(1984年《公司条例》):1984年《公司条例》的对象,公司范围,不同的法律定义,成立公司的好处,公司的成立,公司备忘录协会,公司章程,公司的招股说明书,注册的效力,股份的种类,公司的清算,巴基斯坦证券交易委员会,公司治理的概念流通票据的法律:该法的概念,目的和宗旨,可转让票据的类型,期票要点,汇票要点,支票要点,支票要点,划线概念支票,这些文书之间的区别特征,背书,可转让文书的当事人,文书的谈判,与财产转移有关的责任免除法(《财产转移法》,1932年):财产转移的概念,不动产的出售,概念销售和出售协议,不动产抵押,抵押范围和抵押类型,不动产租赁,租赁要点,通过交换进行财产转移,通过交换财产转移,与礼品销售有关的可诉求债权法律货物:1932年《货物销售法》的范围,按不同方式运输货物,货物销售的概念和要点,货物分类,条件和保证人的概念,货物销售合同的履行,货物运输,运输陆运,海上运输,空运信托法:信托法,信托概念,信托目的,受托人的责任和义务,受托人,信托的灭绝,信托的撤销保险法:保险的概念,保险合同的要点,保险业务的分类,人寿保险,火灾保险,《海上保险劳资关系条例》,2002年:定义,工会,工人的参与和争端解决,劳动法院的程序和权力,裁决和决定,向高等法院上诉,国家劳资关系委员会,与劳动者赔偿有关的法律:定义,劳动者赔偿,与工厂有关的委员会法:有关劳动者的定义,健康和安全标准工厂,与工资支付有关的《刑法》:1965年《雇员社会保障法》,定义,《雇员社会保障机构》,《社会保障缴费》,《工人福利》,《索赔确定》,《社会保障法院》,《犯罪和起诉》

课程简介: Scope of Law and Legal System of Pakistan: Concept of law - Significance of law, Meaning and importance of jurisprudence, Kinds of jurisprudence including Analytical jurisprudence, Historical jurisprudence, Ethical jurisprudence. Definitions of law according to point of view of different jurists, Classification of law, Essentials of imperative law, Legal sources of law including Legislation) Precedents, Customs, Agreements Law of Contract (Contract Act, 1872): Definitions and concept of agreement, promise, promiser, promisee, consideration, void agreements and proposal. Concept and scope of consideration, Essentials of a valid contract including Offer and acceptance, Legal relationship, Legal consideration, Competent parties, Free consent of the parties, Concept of the legal capacity of contracting parties, Importance and scope of free consent, Kinds of contracts including Valid contract, Voidable contract, Void contract, Unenforceable contract, Express contract, Implied contract, Executed contract, Executory contract, Contingent contracts, Performance of contracts, Performance of reciprocal promises, Discharge of contract, Different modes in which a contract is stands discharge including By performance, By impossibility of performance, By agreement of parties, By operation of law, By breach of contract, Essentials of valid tender including the following: Breach of contract, Remedies for breach of contract including Suit for damages: Sec. 73, Suit for compensation-- Party rightfully rescinding contract entitled to compensation: Sec. 75, Suit for specific performance, Suit for Injunction, Contracts of indemnity and guarantee, Contracts of bailment and pledge, Contracts of agency & Scope of contract of agency Law of Partnership (Partnership Act, 1932): Concept of partnership, Essentials and kinds of partnership, General duties of partners, Mutual rights and liabilities of partners Law relating to companies (Companies Ordinance, 1984): Objects of Company’s Ordinance, 1984, Scope of the company, Different legal definitions, Advantages of incorporation, Formation of company, Memorandum of association, Article of association, Prospectus of a company, Effect of registration, Kinds of shares, Winding up of a companies, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Concept of corporate governance Law of negotiable instruments: Concept, object and purpose of this Act, Types of negotiable instruments, Essentials of promissory note, Essentials of bill of exchange, Essentials of a cheque, Types of cheques, Concept of crossed cheque, Distinguishing features between these instruments, Endorsement, Parties to negotiable instrument, Negotiation of the instruments, Discharge from liability Law relating to transfer of property (Transfer of Property Act, 1932): Concept of transfer of property, Sale of immovable property, Concept of sale and agreement to sell, Mortgages of immovable property, scope of mortgages and types of mortgages, Lease of immovable property, Essentials of lease, Transfer of property through exchange, Transfer of property through gifts, Transfer of actionable claims Law relating to sales of goods: Scope of the Sales of Goods Act, 1932, Carriage of goods by different modes, Concept and essentials of sales of goods, Classification of goods, Concept of condition and warrantee, Performance of contract of sales of goods, Carriage of goods, Carriage by land, Carriage by sea, Carriage by air Law of trust: Law of trust, Concept of trust, Purpose of trust, Duties and liabilities of trustees, Rights of trustees, Extinction of trust, Revocation of trust Law of insurance: Concept of insurance, Essentials of a contract of insurance, Classification of insurance business, Life insurance, Fire insurance, Marine Insurance Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002: definitions, trade unions, worker’s participation and dispute resolution, Labour courts - Procedure and powers, Awards and decisions, Appeal to the High Court, National Industrial Relations Commission, Law Relating to Compensation to Workmen: Definitions, Workmen compensation, Commission Law Relating to Factories: definitions, health and safety standards for factories, Penalties Law relating to payment of wages: Employees social security ordinance, 1965, definitions, Employees social security institutions, Contribution for social security, Benefits for workers, Determination of claims, Social security courts, Offences and prosecutions
关 键 词: 巴基斯坦; 法律; 商业; 劳动
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-04-20:nkq
最后编审: 2021-04-20:nkq
阅读次数: 43