
The Social Impact of Self-Regulation on the Evolution of Simple and Complex Creative Ideas
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iccc2014_gabora_creative_ideas/  
主讲教师: Liane Gabora
开课单位: 不列颠哥伦比亚大学
开课时间: 2014-04-08
课程语种: 英语

由于有创造力的个人投资于未经证明的思想而以传播已被证明的思想为代价,因此过多的创造力可能对社会有害;此外,有些人可以从创造力中受益,而无需通过模仿创造者来创造自己。本文建立在先前关于社会如何通过模仿模仿的新颖性保持效果来调节创造力的新颖性产生效果而更快地发展的研究的基础上。假设(1)可以通过创造力的自我调节(SR)来实现这种平衡,方法是根据一个人的创造力的价值来改变创造力的方式,并且(2)SR的社会效益会受到创造力的影响。可能的想法空间的开放性。这些假设使用EVOC(一种基于代理的文化进化模型)进行了测试,其中每种代理根据其发明的适用性自行调节其发明与模仿比率。我们将SR与非SR社会进行了比较,并比较了可能的思想空间是开放式的社会,因为代理人可以将简单的思想链接到复杂的思想,而没有联系的社会则没有联系,对于这些社会而言,可能的思想空间是固定的。 SR社会中的主体逐渐分离为创造者和模仿者,并且多样性的变化比非SR更为迅速和明显。在SR中,思想的平均适应度高于非SR社会,但是这种差异是暂时的,没有联系,而永久的是联系。我们讨论了该模型的局限性以及结果可能带来的社会影响。

课程简介: Since creative individuals invest in unproven ideas at the expense of propagating proven ones, excess creativity can be detrimental to society; moreover, some individuals benefit from creativity without being creative themselves by copying creators. This paper builds on previous studies of how societies evolve faster by tempering the novelty-generating effects of creativity with the novelty-preserving effects of imitation. It was hypothesized that (1) this balance can be achieved through self-regulation (SR) of creativity, by varying how creative one is according to the value of one’s creative outputs, and (2) that the social benefit of SR is affected by the openness of the space of possible ideas. These hypotheses were tested using EVOC, an agent-based model of cultural evolution in which each agent self-regulated its invention-to-imitation ratio as a function of the fitness of its inventions. We compared SR to non-SR societies, and compared societies in which the space of possible ideas was open-ended because agents could chain simple ideas into complex ones, to societies without chaining, for which the space of possible ideas was fixed. Agents in SR societies gradually segregated into creators and imitators, and changes in diversity were rapider and more pronounced than non-SR. The mean fitness of ideas was higher in SR than non-SR societies, but this difference was temporary without chaining whereas it was permanent with chaining. We discuss limitations of the model and possible social implications of the results.
关 键 词: 思想链接; 社会
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-04-21:zyk
最后编审: 2021-04-21:zyk
阅读次数: 46