
Dimensions of Self-Expression in Facebook Status Updates
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icwsm2011_kramer_dimensions/  
主讲教师: Adam D.I. Kramer
开课单位: 脸书公司
开课时间: 2011-08-18
课程语种: 英语

我们描述了Facebook用户倾向于使用半自动文本分析方法,意思提取方法(MEM)通过状态更新来表达自己的维度。首先,我们从来自四个英语国家(美国,加拿大,英国和澳大利亚)的400万Facebook用户的样本中,检查了所有状态更新中自我表达的维度,以便研究这些国家的自我表达差异。这四个国家均显示了基本的三部分结构,表明该媒体对人们使用Facebook状态更新的影响比国家特征或人口统计数据强。在每个国家/地区,人们在使用非正式语音,共享正面事件以及在Facebook状态更新中讨论学校的程度方面都各不相同。这些因素共同告诉我们用户的自我表达方式有何不同,从而说明了该产品有意义的用例:谈论正在发生的事情往往是积极的,人们在状态更新短的程度上有所不同, school亵的情感表达和有关学校的话题。定义这些因素的特定单词在各个国家之间显示出细微的差异:亵渎的使用表示较少的学校单词(但仅在澳大利亚使用),而英国在非正式发言时则更多地使用语(而不是亵渎)。 MEM还将英语方言确定为有意义的维度,各国语言差异也很大。总而言之,除了简单地指出帖子的主题性之外,本研究还提供了有关状态更新如何用于自我表达的见解。我们讨论了可能产生这些结果的几种理论框架,并更广泛地讨论了使用MEM从完全经验数据(例如自然主义的互联网语音)生成理论框架的情况。

课程简介: We describe the dimensions along which Facebook users tend to express themselves via status updates using the semiautomated text analysis approach, the Meaning Extraction Method (MEM). First, we examined dimensions of selfexpression in all status updates from a sample of four million Facebook users from four English-speaking countries (the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia) in order to examine how these countries vary in their selfexpressions. All four countries showed a basic threecomponent structure, indicating that the medium is a stronger influence than country characteristics or demographics on how people use Facebook status updates. In each country, people vary in terms of the extent to which they use Informal Speech, share Positive Events, and discuss School in their Facebook status updates. Together, these factors tell us how users differ in their self-expression, and thus illustrate meaningful use cases for the product: Talking about what’s going on tends to be positive, and people vary in terms of the extent to which their status updates are short, slangy emotional expressions and topics regarding school. The specific words that define these factors showed subtle differences across countries: The use of profanity indicates fewer school words (but only in Australia), whereas the UK shows greater use of slang terms (rather than profanity) when speaking informally. The MEM also identified English-language dialects as a meaningful dimension along which the countries varied. In sum, beyond simply indicating topicality of posts, this study provides insight into how status updates are used for selfexpression. We discuss several theoretical frameworks that could produce these results, and more broadly discuss the generation of theoretical frameworks from wholly empirical data (such as naturalistic Internet speech) using the MEM.
关 键 词: Facebook; 统计数据
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-04-28:zyk
最后编审: 2021-05-14:yumf
阅读次数: 51