
Politics in 60 seconds. Social democracy
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=47ac19ad...  
主讲教师: Professor Steven Fielding
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2010-05-01
课程语种: 英语
Steven Fielding教授在60秒内为那些有空闲时间学习新东西的人定义了一个政治概念。这部视频广播将社会民主作为一种政治概念。警告:视频确实包含bloopers和out take。 2010年5月适合本科学习和社区教育Steven Fielding教授,政治与国际关系学院教授Steven Fielding教授是政治历史教授,英国政治中心主任:诺丁汉大学CBP,是工党的专家。他目前正在为英国广播公司第四电台制作一部关于媒体描绘托尼·布莱尔领导下的工党的纪录片。菲尔丁教授特别关注政治家与他们在议会中所代表的社会之间的紧张关系。他还在研究英国和美国的政治虚构表现形式,部分集中在安东尼特罗洛普的小说,电影和电视上,以及“西翼”中的小说,电影和电视。和’它的厚重’。
课程简介: Professor Steven Fielding defines a polical concept in 60 seconds for those with a spare minute to learn something new. This videocast focuses on social democracy as a political concept. Warning: video does contain bloopers and out takes. May 2010 Suitable for Undergraduate study and Community education Professor Steven Fielding, School of Politics and International Relations Professor Steven Fielding is Professor of Political History and Director of the Centre for British Politics: CBP at The University of Nottingham and is an expert on The Labour Party. He is currently working on a commissioned documentary for BBC Radio 4 on the media portrayal of the Labour Party under Tony Blair. Professor Fielding is particularly focused on the fraught relationship between politicians and the society they represent in Parliament. He is also researching the fictional representation of politics in Britain and the US, focusing in part on novels, film and television from Anthony Trollope to ’The West Wing’ and ’The Thick Of It’.
关 键 词: 政治; 社会民主; 国际关系
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 48