
Siri: Back to the Future
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/aaai2014_cheyer_back_to_the_future/  
主讲教师: Adam Cheyer
开课单位: Viv实验室公司
开课时间: 2017-08-22
课程语种: 英语

Siri是驻留在数亿台Apple设备中的虚拟个人助理。要求Siri为您购买电影票,预订餐厅,发送消息或推文或获得大型比赛的分数,Siri将通过对话互动帮助您快速轻松地完成工作。人们经常问我,“ Siri真正支持什么技术”和“ Siri的下一步是什么?”作为苹果公司的前雇员,我不能随意谈论这两个问题。但是,在不说任何与Apple系统或路线图相关的事情的情况下,我可以描述过去,并解释Siri从研究到商业化直至最终被Apple收购之后“剩下的东西”。在本次演讲中,我将介绍一系列通往Apple Siri的系统背后的技术和功能:oAA,Vanguard,CALo,Active,初创公司Siri。我们将相反地做:回到时间越远,每个版本就越具有未来性,并且在以后的版本中都无法提供出色的功能。正如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)所说的那样:“您无法将点连接在一起,只能将它们向后连接...”

课程简介: Siri is the virtual personal assistant resident inside hundreds of millions of Apple devices. Ask Siri to buy you a movie ticket, make a restaurant reservation, send a message or a tweet, or get the score of the big game and Siri will help you get the job done quickly and easily, through a conversational interaction. People often ask me, "What technology is really behind Siri" and "What's next for Siri?" As a former Apple employee, I'm not at liberty to talk about either of these questions. However, without saying anything related to Apple's system or roadmaps, I can describe the past, explaining what got left "on the cutting room floor" as Siri moved forward from research to commercialization up to an eventual acquisition by Apple. In this talk, I will present the technology and features behind a lineage of systems leading towards Apple's Siri: oAA, Vanguard, CALo, Active, the startup Siri. We will do it in reverse: the farther we go back in time, the more futuristic each version gets, with fantastic capabilities not available in any later version. As Steve Jobs famously said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards..."
关 键 词: Siri; 虚拟个人助理; Apple公司
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-05-08:zyk
最后编审: 2021-05-15:yumf
阅读次数: 32