
Publishing bibliographic records on the Web of data: opportunities for the BnF
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc2013_simon_di_mascio_french_library/  
主讲教师: Agnès Simon; Adrien Di Mascio
开课单位: 法国国家图书馆
开课时间: 2013-07-08
课程语种: 英语

已通过data.bnf.fr实现了链接的开放数据工具,该项目旨在使BnF数据在Web上更加有用。 data.bnf.fr从关于作者,作品和主题的页面上的不同数据库自动收集数据。自2011年7月上线以来,它仍在开发中,并已获得一些用户的反馈。首先,本文将介绍与我们的数据相关的问题,并强调有用的链接和持久性对于存档目的的重要性。我们将讨论我们的解决方案和方法,展示它们的优缺点,从而为图书馆创建新服务。通过丰富的RDF本体与诸如schema.org之类的轻量HTML嵌入式数据之间的交互的“业务”视图,将给出对本体和词汇的见解。语义网上图书馆的更广泛的问题将得到解决,以帮助指定类似的项目。

课程简介: Linked open data tools have been implemented through data.bnf.fr , a project which aims at making the BnF data more useful on the Web. data.bnf.fr gathers data automatically from different databases on pages about authors, works and themes. Online since July 2011, it is still under development and has feedbacks from several users, already. First the article will present the issues linked to our data and stress the importance of useful links and of persistency for archival purposes. We will discuss our solution and methodology, showing their strengths and weaknesses, to create new services for the library. An insight on the ontology and vocabularies will be given, with a “business” view of the interaction between rich RDF ontologies and light HTML embedded data such as schema.org . The broader question of Libraries on the Semantic Web will be addressed so as to help specify similar projects.
关 键 词: 开放数据; 数据收集; 轻量HTML嵌入式数据; BnF数据
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-05-12:zyk
最后编审: 2021-05-26:zyk
阅读次数: 34