
Lecture 24 - Alternative Visions: Esther, Ruth, and Jonah
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalerlst145f06_hayes_lec24/  
主讲教师: Christine Hayes
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2011-04-16
课程语种: 英语
在这次讲座中,我们考察了圣经的最后两卷书,并比较了他们对外国的态度。与但以理依靠神的干预来惩罚恶人相反,以斯帖记的重点是人类在击败以色列敌人方面的主动性。最后,约拿书——其中邪恶的亚述人悔改并免于神圣的惩罚——表达了上帝是富有同情心的,关心所有受造物的观点。海耶斯教授在课程结束时评论了希伯来圣经中呈现的动态和复杂的信息。 阅读作业: 圣经: (1) 以斯帖记导言 (JSB 第 1198-9 页), 以斯帖记 1-9 (2) 路得记导言 (约瑟记 第 1578-9 页), 路得记 1-4 (3) 约拿的导言 (JSB 第 1623-5 页), 约拿书 1-4 (4) “圣经的宗教” (JSB 第 2021-2040 页) “启示录”,载于《锚圣经词典》(第279-288页) 资源: 讲义:期末考试复习表[文本]
课程简介: In this lecture, two final books of the Bible are examined and their attitudes towards foreign nations compared. In contrast to Daniel's reliance on divine intervention to punish the wicked, the book of Esther focuses on human initiative in defeating the enemies of Israel. Finally, the book of Jonah--in which the wicked Assyrians repent and are spared divine punishment--expresses the view that God is compassionate and concerned with all creation. Professor Hayes concludes the course with remarks regarding the dynamic and complex messages presented in the Hebrew Bible. Reading assignment: Bible: (1) Introduction to Esther (JSB pp. 1198-9), Esther 1-9 (2) Introduction to Ruth (JSB pp. 1578-9), Ruth 1-4 (3) Introduction to Jonah (JSB pp. 1623-5), Jonah 1-4 (4) "The Religion of the Bible" (JSB pp. 2021-2040) "Apocalypses." In The Anchor Bible Dictionary (pp. 279-288) Resources: Handout: Final Exam Review Sheet [text]
关 键 词: 圣经; 约拿书; 人文科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-05-27:liyy
最后编审: 2021-05-27:liyy
阅读次数: 47