
Politics, power and political economy in Latin America
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=64df00d4...  
主讲教师: Motta Sara
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2010-09-01
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线查看或下载为zip文件。正如2010/2011秋季学期所教。该模块探讨和分析了自20世纪80年代第三次民主化浪​​潮以来拉丁美洲的民主政治。它分为三个部分:1。概念化该地区的民主,重点关注那些认为自由民主和自由市场是必要和可取的人之间的辩论,以及那些认为只有超越两者的实验才能真正使该地区民主化的人之间的辩论。 。 2.参照新自由主义的政治经济学,依赖发展和政治文化等理论,解释民主发展中的问题,如缺乏参与,代表性和公民身份。 3.提出这样一个问题:谁是拉丁美洲民主民主化的演员,重点是政党,社会运动,精英/技术官僚和非政府组织。所有讨论都将参考特定案例研究进行背景化。模块代码:M13098学分:20适合在以下学习:本科3级Sara Motta博士,政治与国际关系学院Sara Motta博士获得哲学学士学位和政治学硕士学位。伦敦政治经济学院的发展(拉丁美洲)。她于2005年在Francisco Panizza博士和Rodney Barker教授的监督下在伦敦政治学院政府系获得博士学位。她被任命为伦敦政府部门比较和拉丁美洲政治三年制讲师。 2007年诺丁汉大学政治与国际关系学院政治学讲座.Motta博士的教学兴趣涉及全球南方比较政治经济学,拉丁美洲大众政治和社会运动,民主的比较政治分析等广泛主题。拉丁美洲的发展和知识政治。莫塔博士的研究重点是下层抵抗的政治,特别是拉丁美洲。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module explores and analyses democratic politics in Latin America since the third wave of democratization in the 1980s. It is divided into three parts: 1. Conceptualising democracy in the region with a focus on the debate between those who argue that liberal democracy and liberal markets are necessary and desirable and those who argue that only experiments that go beyond both will truly democratise the region. 2. Explaining problems in democratic development such as lack of participation, representation and citizenship with reference to the political economy of neoliberalism, dependent development and political culture, amongst other theories. 3. Asking the question: who are the actors who will democratise democracy in Latin America, with a focus on political parties, social movements, elites/technocrats and NGOs. All discussions will be contextualised with reference to particular case studies Module Code: M13098 Credits: 20 Suitable for study at: Undergraduate level 3 Dr Sara Motta, School of Politics and International Relations Dr Sara Motta obtained her BA in Philosophy and MSc in The Politics of Development (Latin America) from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She completed her PhD at the Department of Government, LSE under the supervision of Dr Francisco Panizza and Professor Rodney Barker in 2005. She was appointed as a three year Tutorial Fellow in Comparative and Latin American Politics in the Government Department, LSE before being appointed to lectureship in Politics at the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham in 2007. Dr Motta's teaching interests are in the broad themes of comparative political economy of the Global South, popular politics and social movements in Latin America, comparative political analysis of democracy and development in Latin America and the politics of knowledge. Dr Motta's research focus is the politics of subaltern resistance, with particular reference to Latin America.
关 键 词: 拉丁美洲; 民主; 政治经济; 社会运动
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 64