
Toward the Web of Functions: Interoperable High-Order Functions in SPARQL
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc2014_atzori_web_of_functions/  
主讲教师: Maurizio Atzori
开课单位: 卡里亚里大学
开课时间: 2014-12-19
课程语种: 英语

在这项工作中,我们仅通过了解第三方sparql函数的URI来解决使用任何第三方定制sparql函数的问题,从而允许在定义并实现该函数的远程端点上执行计算。我们提供了一个符合标准的解决方案,该解决方案不需要基于调用函数的使用来更改语言的当前语法或语义。与W3C建议中针对sparql查询语言描述的简单的“可扩展值测试”相反,我们的方法是可互操作的,也就是说,不依赖于用于查询的端点的特定实现,而是依赖于声明并使功能可用的端点,因此将互操作性问题减少到一个案例,我们为之提供了一个开源实现。此外,所提出的在sparql查询中使用自定义函数的解决方案非常具有表现力,允许使用真正的高阶函数,这些函数可以分配给变量并用作输入和输出,从而为sparql生成了我们称为Web的Web API功能。本文还展示了有关如何将我们的建议应用于现有端点的不同方法,包括通过利用联合查询W3C建议书中目前未在某些流行的sparql上实现的非规范性部分来使不必要使用调用的SPARQL到SPARQL编译器。引擎。我们最终评估了我们的提案在两个流行引擎上进行实验报告的有效性。

课程简介: In this work we address the problem of using any third-party custom sparql function by only knowing its URI, allowing the computation to be executed on the remote endpoint that defines and implements such function. We present a standard-compliant solution that does not require changes to the current syntax or semantics of the language, based on the use of a call function. In contrast to the plain “Extensible Value Testing” described in the W3C Recommendations for the sparql Query Language, our approach is interoperable, that is, not dependent on the specific implementation of the endpoint being used for the query, relying instead on the implementation of the endpoint that declares and makes the function available, therefore reducing interoperability issues to one single case for which we provide an open source implementation. Further, the proposed solution for using custom functions within sparql queries is quite expressive, allowing for true higher-order functions, where functions can be assigned to variables and used as both inputs and outputs, enabling a generation of Web APIs for sparql that we call Web of Functions. The paper also shows different approaches on how our proposal can be applied to existing endpoints, including a SPARQL-to-SPARQL compiler that makes the use of call unnecessary, by exploiting non-normative sections in the Federated Query W3C Recommendations that are currently implemented on some popular sparql engines. We finally evaluate the effectiveness of our proposal reporting our experiments on two popular engines.
关 键 词: sparql函数; 可扩展值测试; 自定义函数; Web API
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-05-28:zyk
最后编审: 2021-05-28:zyk
阅读次数: 38