
Joint degree programs - instruments for quality enhancement!
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cmepius_moe_joint_programme/  
主讲教师: Frank Moe
开课单位: 挪威国际教育合作中心
开课时间: 2014-12-15
课程语种: 英语


联合项目已经近十年来一直被提上议事日程。对于欧洲机构而言,主要推动力无疑是 Erasmus Mundus(2004 年至 2013 年 - 现在的 Erasmus 联合硕士学位),它支持了 200 多个硕士和博士级别的合作项目,但类似的活动也在其他地区提上日程。世界。在教育国际化的背景下,联合项目被视为非常重要的工具,并在博洛尼亚进程和欧盟中得到了强调。



课程简介: Joint degrees are regarded as the ultimate goal with regard to educational cooperation between institutions. And while there may be many arguments behind a decision to pursue a joint degree cooperation project from various stakeholders (rectorate, ministry, EU Commission etc), the main driver should always be: Quality enhancement! Joint programs have been high on the agenda for about a decade. For European institutions, the major driver has without doubt been Erasmus Mundus (2004-2013 – now Erasmus+ Joint Master Degrees), which has supported more than 200 cooperation programs at master’s and PhD level, but similar activities are on the agenda also in other parts of the world. In the context of internationalisation of education, joint programs have been seen as a very important tool, and have been highlighted both in the Bologna Process and by the European Union. International cooperation may take on many forms and include different levels of cooperation. Cooperation on study programs may contain different levels of “jointness”, where the most ambitious level is a Joint Degree Program. However, a joint degree is not the only path to happiness, and it is important that institutions try to determine the right level of cooperation in a given situation. Is it a new relationship or is it time to take the cooperation a step further? Are we ready and willing to give what it takes? To achieve a successful international cooperation, it is of high importance that the level of ambition corresponds to reality with regard to background, available resources etc. Relations between institutions need to be built on trust and confidence, which take time to establish and build. Moreover, such relations should have a long term perspective and should therefore be built gradually, even if there are high ambitions for the cooperation. Below you will find an attempt to categorize international cooperation into various levels of commitment.
关 键 词: 联合学位; 教育国际化; 机构间教育合作
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-06-02:zyk
最后编审: 2021-06-02:zyk
阅读次数: 43